Page 121 of Harmony

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We agreed ahead of time not to write anything out but to just be ourselves.

“Ladies first.” I motion to Rory.

She steps toward the mic.

The audience is clapping, but not the thundering applause that we’ve been getting after a performance.

“Hey, London!” Rory shouts into the mic.

The applause grows louder.

“I just want to say thank you. Thank you for welcoming a brand-new band here along with Emerald Phoenix. We’ve enjoyed being here so much, and we love you all.”

Shouts of “Rory!” roar through the audience.

Nice. Some of them were here during our previous concerts.

Rory steps away, and I take the mic.

“Absolutely, sis. You guys have been amazing, and we all love you so much. So on behalf of the rest of the band, my cousin Cage, Jake, Dragon, Derek, and, of course, my beautiful sister Rory, thank you from the bottoms of our hearts for welcoming us to London.” I nod to Derek on the drums, and then to Jake, Cage, Rory. I nod three times to begin the count, and they all come in on cue.

And we start to rock.

For that brief time we’re onstage, I forget about everything but the music—the melody, the harmony, the rhythm. The synchrony between Rory and me. The beat of the percussion and the notes from the guitar and keyboard.

I get lost.

Lost in the world I love.

Our flight to Paris leaves tonight, so we choose not to stay backstage very long. We’re all packed and ready to go straight to the airport.

Cage and Jake have gotten over the whole groupie thing after what happened to Dragon. Of course, I haven’t yet told them that he admitted to me that the groupies didn’t drug him, that he took the drugs himself.

I will keep that between Dragon and me. It’s up to Dragon whether he wants to tell the others. I did tell Rory, though, because she and I don’t have any secrets. I also told Brianna in confidence before this last UK concert. I don’t want any secrets between the two of us either, even though I know she hasn’t told me everything about her family.

That will take some time.

David and Maddie are backstage, holding hands. They’re talking to Brock and Rory.

I can’t help chuckling to myself. Being onstage is a release, and I’m not feeling the tension that I felt when I caught David in Maddie’s room.

What a kick it would be if those three damned Steel Rake-a-teers ended up with my three Pike sisters.

What a twist of fate.

I breathe in.

Looks like I have to get used to the Steels whether I like it or not. If Brianna and I stay together—if she’s truly feeling what I’m feeling, and we can find a way to be together in spite of our careers—then I’ll be with a Steel as well.

I look around, and Brianna has disappeared.

Then I spy her, talking to Zane.

Oh. Hell. No.

I shoot toward them, nearly running.

“Hey, Jesse,” Zane says. “I think that’s the best you and Rory have sounded since we began the tour.”
