Page 34 of Harmony

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“Yes, he is. He screwed up. But we’ve fixed it. We’ve got Derek as a backup drummer, and he’s fabulous. You said so yourself.”

I nod, saying nothing. No need to tell Rory of my doubts about Derek. I’m probably freaking out over nothing. So he runs his mouth off and says things he shouldn’t. Who doesn’t sometimes?

Rory pats my shoulder. “It’s not optimal. But we’ve got things fixed, Jess. The tour is going on as planned, and Dragon will meet up with us in Paris.”

“I know.”

“He may even be able to do the final concert in London once we get back here,” Rory says.

I look to the floor. “Yeah, I hope so.”

“If he can’t, we’ll use Derek.”

“Right.” I scan the menu.

Derek. The lifesaver. The guy who hates addicts. The guy who’d have my sister in the sack in a minute if he could finagle it.

Brock rises. “Excuse me. I’ve got to see a man about a horse.” He leaves the table.

“Brock ordered for us,” Rory says. “Traditional English breakfast.”

I slam my menu down on the table. “Maybe I don’t want the traditional English breakfast today. Did anyone ever think of that?”

Rory’s eyes go wide. “It’s what you’ve eaten every day since you’ve been here,” Rory says. “I just thought?—”

“I am so tired of other people thinking for me. Making decisions for me.”

“Jess,” Rory says. “No one ever makes decisions for you. Where the hell is this coming from?”

I rise, rake my fingers through my hair, and then I plunk back in my seat.

Energy is sizzling through me. And those crows are pecking at the back of my neck again.

I’m angry. There’s no reason to be angry. Rory and Brock are right. Everything has worked out perfectly. More perfectly than we could’ve ever planned, given Dragon’s mishap.

And then I realize it’s not anger that I’m feeling.

No, it’s something much deeper, something that is inflaming my body.

It’s passion.

Angry passion, and I don’t want to have it.

And now…

Now Brianna will be with us.

Which is okay.

I can handle it.

I have to.

“Traditional English breakfast is fine. Black tea.”

“It’s on its way,” Rory says. “Now, do you want to tell me what that outburst was about?”

“Just everything,” I say.
