Page 41 of Harmony

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“I do trust you, but so did Patty.” Daphne swallowed. “So did Sean.”

Brad’s facial muscles went rigid. They were about to quarrel, and I needed an exit strategy.

“You should get to bed,” Brad said to me.

“Why? I won’t be able to sleep.” I paced around, my nerves a jumbling mass. “Besides…I’m going to have to call her parents.”

“That can wait until morning,” Brad said.

“If your child were missing, would you want to wait until morning to find out?” I turned to leave the room.

“Wait!” Daphne’s eyebrows shot up. “Maybe they know where she is. Maybe she went home.”

“She’s not,” Brad said. “I already called them earlier this evening and posed as a friend from school. They haven’t heard from her. If she’d flown home, she’d have called them with the information.”

“Maybe not. Maybe she wanted to surprise them.”

“There’s one way to find out,” I said. “I’m calling them.”

“Use my office,” Brad said. “You want me to come along?”

“No, I’ll do it alone. I just wish I knew what the hell to say.”

“Wait, Ennis,” Daphne said. “Don’t call them.”

“I have to, Daphne.”

“But she’s… She’s not…”

“She’s missing, love. They’re her parents. They have a right to know.”

“No, Brad. Please.”

“He’s right, baby. He has to make this phone call.”

“No. No. No.” Her voice sounded oddly robotic as I left the room.

I found Brad’s office. Myriad papers were scattered across his desk. Should I look at them? Maybe find clues?

But in my heart, I knew Brad had nothing to do with Patty’s disappearance. He’d never do anything to harm Daphne. He loved Daphne, and Daphne loved Patty.

I dialed the number for Patty’s parents in Iowa.

What would I say to them? I didn’t know, so I winged it.


“Mr. Watson?”

A throat cleared. “Yes. This is he.”

“It’s Ennis Ainsley in Colorado.”

“Of course, Patty’s friend. How are you?”

“Not good at all, I’m afraid.” This time I cleared my throat. “I don’t know how to tell you this, but I’m in Snow Creek with Brad and Daphne Steel, friends of Patty’s.”

“I see.” His voice sounded fearful.
