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Infuriating woman. I’d never forgive her for making me feel this way. For making me feel everything.

“I’ll be yours,” I promised.

“I won’t.”

“Why? Why not? You’re so pissed that I lied to you, but you’re lying to yourself. Every day. You know what you want, Violet. Tell me.”

She scoffed. “It doesn’t matter what I want.”


“It matters what he needs.” Her eyes darkened. “Jack needs to be safe and far away from the Family. He deserves a chance to live a life that isn’t yours. Will you give him that?”

She should’ve just grabbed a gun and ended it there.

I had a choice, but I also had a conscience. She was right, and fuck me, I was selfish enough to deny my son a peaceful life. Free of my name. Safe from the enemies of the Family. Ignorant of the monster he’d call father.

I smiled bitterly. “I would’ve changed for you.”

“A man shouldn’t have to,” she whispered. “It’s not a decision to be good. It’s inside of him, and that’s something you don’t have.”

Something I’d never have. Never be.

Well, if that’s what she wants…

I turned and walked out.



Achille left early the next morning.

He kissed Jack goodbye, but barely looked in my direction. I couldn’t blame him after the way things ended last night. I spent the whole day wrestling with myself. Stewing in anger. Debating whether I should call my mother. Telling her Elise’s secret would kill her. Out of love for my sister, I’d take it to my grave.

Wasn’t that what he’d done?

My eyes burned. If only that was the only thing he’d lied about. I would’ve forgiven him, but he’d only fessed up to one lie. Did he love me? He talked like he did, but a man like Achille played girls like me. Perhaps he’d tolerated me because I had his son’s trust.

Agreeing to marry him was a mistake.

Falling for him, even worse.

My body wanted him, including my foolish heart. I still loved him. God, I did. And I knew he loved his son. I saw it reflected in every interaction with Jack. If I hadn’t found out what I did at the engagement party, I would’ve given Achille joint custody. I could’ve put my feelings aside for Jack’s sake, but after this?


Limiting contact wouldn’t work. I had to go. I couldn’t trust any of them.

The house was eerily quiet without Achille’s presence. Loneliness gnawed at me. An aching desire for things to be different warred within me.

Sitting on the edge of Jack’s bed after he’d fallen asleep, I let myself cry. What could I do? Stay and risk being caught up in the Family’s conflicts, or leave and face a future without the man I loved? He didn’t love me back. He kept secrets from me.

I shuffled into his bedroom. Achille’s jacket was draped over a chair. I grabbed it, wrapping it around my shoulders. His scent enveloped me, a mix of cologne and something uniquely him.

A hard truth settled heavy on my chest.

Achille was an amazing daddy, but his world wasn’t a place for Jack to grow up. He was the last living piece of Elise. My precious nephew. How could I gamble with his life in a city that had already claimed his mother? I hated pulling Jack from a father who adored him. But the fear of Jack ending up like Elise haunted my nightmares.
