Page 102 of Claimed

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Fuck, I couldn’t breathe. The pain. My knees hit the carpet. I clutched the floor like it would ground me to reality. I knew this was coming. Violet was never going to stay with me. I wasn’t enough. Whatever feelings she had for me, they weren’t love. Of course she left. She was too good for me.

It was over.

No, it can’t be over.

I fumbled with my phone. My shaking fingers dialed her number.

She picked up. “Hey.”

“Where is my son?”

“He’s with me. He’s okay, I promise.”

The pressure on my chest lightened. “Where are you?”

“Somewhere safe.”

I fought a bizarre urge to laugh. “You can protect him better than me?”

“Kill, it’s not like that. It’s not you.”

How could you do this?

I swallowed all the hurt. “Turn around and come back right now, and I’ll chalk this up to hysteria.”

“I haven’t lost my senses. I’m doin’ what I think’s best for Jack. This isn’t about us. I’m sorry.”

“You will be for taking my son from me.”

She paused. “Did you read the note?”

“What fucking note?”

“I-I put something on Jack’s nightstand.”

I grabbed the piece of paper. I couldn’t read. The words blurred together. “You think you can explain this in a letter? He’s my son! My. Son. You can’t do this to me.”

“I know this is hard?—”

An inhuman snarl ripped from my throat. “Hard? He’s the one thing more precious to me than my life, and you take him?”

“Kill, please. I?—”

“You can’t hide from me. I’ll find you. And when I do, I’ll drag your ass to Boston and lock you in my bedroom for a week. You’ll regret this.”

She hung up.

I checked the status of the AirTag I’d hidden in the car, but the location blinked at the house. She must’ve found it and left it behind. Fuck. I slammed the phone into the table until the glass crunched, smashed the nightstand, and stood in the wreckage of what used to be a peaceful evening at home. My hands shook, useless against the betrayal tearing through me.

Violet took Jack to shield him from me. What a sick joke. Nothing I ever did was enough. I’d tried my best, and I’d still lost them. The proof was in the note clutched in my fist. I couldn’t bring myself to read it.

I threw it in the trash and walked out.

If I couldn’t hold on to the light, I’d drown myself in darkness.



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