Page 115 of Claimed

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Achille sat down beside me. He wrapped his arms around me. He squeezed warmth into my heart, my very soul, shielding my eyes and ears. He leaned in, whispering. “For as long as I breathe, I’ll protect you. I’ll keep you safe. Forever.”



We canceled the wedding.

It killed me to do it, but I couldn’t walk down the aisle that soon after Becky. I needed time to process her betrayal. The Family banned Becky from Boston. They seized her assets and forced her to open a trust in Jack’s name. They took her house, her husband’s business, everything. Jack would get a cut of every penny she earned forever. We owned her for the rest of her miserable life.

Achille must’ve cracked down on his siblings hard because they spent weeks trying to make it up to me. Sabrina came over and apologized, begging me to let her attend our wedding. I told her I’d think about it. My future mother-in-law broke down in tears and thanked me for saving her son. Elena cooked fried chicken and cornbread on Sunday, and Julia gave me a care package of Tennessee treats, but Santino came through with the best gift of all—a custom vinyl record of my sister’s music.

I rescheduled the wedding in Tennessee. We headed out there as soon as we could, both of us eager to leave Boston for a while. The next month was the happiest of my life. Besides my sister, I’d never bonded more with another human being. Achille understood me. He saw me. I could see beautiful colors again.

We were inseparable. When we weren’t together, we texted each other. We went to the movies and spent countless hours talking. We laughed until our sides hurt. So many times, I felt my sister beside us. She was happy for me. And when we married two months later, the ceremony couldn’t have been more perfect.

As the night waned, I found a moment to pull Mama aside. The cool evening air brushed against our skin as we stepped out onto the church’s old wooden porch, looking out over the night. The stars seemed to shine brighter as if reflecting the joy of the day. The sweet scent of blooming hyacinths swirled in my nose.

“Mama, Jack’s got himself the best daddy.”

She smiled sadly. “I know, honey. She’d be at peace knowing her boy is loved by you both.”

“I feel her, Mama. In the way the wind blows, in Jack’s laughter, and in the strength that keeps pushing me forward. I wish she could see the amazing little person he’s becoming.”

“She does, and she’s proud of you for loving him with your whole heart. That boy, he’s a blessing to us all, a piece of Elise that lives on.”

I nodded, the lump in my throat making it hard to speak. The reality of Jack being my nephew and my son filled me with overwhelming feelings. A love that transcended even the most profound loss.

As we went back inside, Mama squeezed my hand. “Your husband is a good man. You’ve chosen well, darlin’. And together, you’re giving Jack the most precious gift of all. A family filled with love.”

“Thanks, Mama.”

We hugged.

After a night of dancing, stolen kisses, decadent cake, and screaming my head off to Taylor Swift, Achille and I whisked off to our honeymoon suite in Knoxville. He closed the door behind us. I took a moment just to look at him.

He wore a dark gray suit that fit him perfectly, showing off his broad shoulders. He thumbed a button at his throat, opening the white shirt. His hair, which usually had a mind of its own, was combed back neat, his jaw smooth. He was everything I wanted wrapped up in one man—strong enough to lean on with a big heart. And he looked perfect. Somehow, months of being alone with Achille couldn’t make up for this moment.

He led me through the suite. The bedroom was beautiful, lit by the soft glow of candles that scattered golden light across the plush interior.

He caught my eye. “Was it everything you dreamed of?”

I nodded, sliding my hands around his neck. “Let’s get hitched again.”

“Anything you want, Bumpkin.”

“Did you have fun?”

I’d watched him all night, but Achille didn’t express himself like the average person. A smile from him was rarer than a hen’s tooth, but that’s what made them special.

He grinned. “I had the best time.”

Warmth swooped my belly. “Yeah? You don’t regret not having it in Boston?”

“Making you happy is all I care about.”

“But are you happy?”

He took out a pin from my bun, his voice lowering. “I never thought I’d get married. None of this feels…real. It’s like a dream. So, yeah. I’m happy.”
