Page 31 of Claimed

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His silence squeezed the air from my lungs.

“Because I’ve run out of ways to scare you.”

A pang hit my chest as Jack accompanied Romeo into the store, out of sight. I’ve failed you, Elise. Tears stung my eyes, turning everything into a blur.

“Please don’t hurt him?—”

Achille grabbed my wrist, the contact scalding my skin. The touch transported me to the desperate moment after the police told me Elise was dead. Some react to fear by fighting or running, but I was not one of those lucky people. My response? Freeze and comply. I couldn’t summon a drop of resistance as he led me back to the bench.

He pulled me down, and my body obeyed. He sat beside me, our thighs touching. An awareness of him clouded my head. He smelled good. It mingled with the adrenaline. His warm hand still held mine, raising my pulse. He smiled like we were on a date, and the simple beauty of it rearranged my insides.

“Relax,” he said, stroking my palm. “I won’t harm Jack. He’s my blood. You, however, are in a different position. You’re only here because of my mercy.”

“That’s so sweet. I should turn that into a song.”

“Please do. I’ll sing it to Jack.”

Smug sarcastic jerk.

Heat engulfed my cheeks. “I didn’t know you had a heart.”

“Only for my son.”

The words nailed me in the gut—my son. The reality of Achille’s claim on Jack crashed down on me. He glowered as his grip slid to my wrist.

“The test says he’s mine. I want full custody.”

My stomach twisted. “That’ll never happen.”

“I am his father.”

“I have rights, too.”

He let me go, leaning in closer. “A father’s rights come before an aunt’s. I’m suing you for full custody, and I’m going to win.”

Maybe he would. What if the judge ignored my sister’s letter and awarded him full custody? Perhaps he had the means to bribe a judge. Was that a thing here? Back home, such sly dealings were as rare as hen’s teeth, but here? Corruption ran as deep as kudzu vines in a summer thicket.

I forced on a smile. “I’d love to see a judge give a man with your priors full custody.”

He didn’t flinch. “Even if you had the coin for an amazing defense, there’s not one lawyer in this city who’d represent you.”

“You’re bluffing.”

He cocked his head. “You sure about that?”

No. I was out of my depth. A wild impulse seized me to throw myself at his feet and beg, but he wouldn’t do anything but mock the sight.

He stretched, kicking out a leg. “You know, I sympathize with you, Bumpkin. None of this is your fault. Your sister left a big mess for you to deal with. I can’t imagine what that must be like. How hard it’s been for you. Dealing with her murder…raising a toddler by yourself, with no help.”

“Stop butterin’ me up.”

“A custody battle could get ugly, but it doesn’t have to be. You’ve taken good care of my kid. You did your part, but now he belongs with his dad.”

I trembled. “No.”

He shrugged. “The court will award me full custody. For once, the law is on my side. We could sign the papers today.”

“I’d rather die.”
