Page 79 of Claimed

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“No, I have an IUD. It’s an implant.”

I put on my seatbelt. “So you’ll have to remove it to have a baby.”

“Yeah, that’s how it works.”

My brow furrowed. “Can we do that ourselves, or do you need to schedule an appointment?”

“A doctor does it,” she murmured, her eyes widening. “Why?”

I shrugged. “I’m thinking.”

She stared. “About what?”

I merged onto the highway. “Shouldn’t we give him a little brother or sister?”

She acted as though I’d yanked the wheel. “Are you outta your tree? No.”

I gritted my teeth. “Why not?”

“We ended a man’s life together!”

I waved my hand. “That’s just another Tuesday.”

“Achille, we’re not having a baby. I’m so not ready for that. “

“You will be. Then I’ll put a baby in you.”

Violet gaped at me like I’d blurted something in Italian.

“I’m ready,” I said, stunned that I meant it. “I can do it.”

“Well, I’m not. We have too much going on. I’ve spent the last six months in survival mode. Tryin’ to pick up the pieces after my sister passed, raisin’ Jack. It hasn’t been easy. And it’s about to get a lot worse. Besides, we have our hands full with Jack.”

I kept quiet, but the dream built in my head. I pictured a bigger house, a fence, a couple dogs. Swaddling a newborn. This time, I’d be one hundred percent involved.

It’ll happen.

We pulled into the driveway, and Jack’s shriek echoed over our heads. My heart swelled. The kid was my anchor in a chaotic world. We entered the house, the familiar sounds and smells wrapping me like a warm blanket. Mom chopped a green pepper on the counter.

“Auntie! Daddy!” Jack raced toward us.

I scooped him up. “Hey, buddy. Did you miss me?”

Jack nodded. “Nonna made cookies.”

I brushed his soft brown hair and kissed his forehead, carrying him into the kitchen. Mom frowned as Violet walked in, wearing my clothes.

“Did he behave?” I asked.

Mom’s mouth twitched. “Yes, he was very good. Just like his papà.”

Violet approached the island where Mom worked. “Thank you for babysittin’ on such short notice.”

Mom scowled. “You don’t need to thank me. He’s my grandson.”

“Daddy, where’d you go?” Jack asked.

“To the woods. We went on an adventure.”
