Page 10 of Gio

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“Check with Landon before you jump the gun,” my father says.

I call Landon, and he picks up on the second ring. “Hey, how are we?”

“I was just about to call you. Everything is squared away. It’s amazing how well the stocks are doing today. Congrats on your new company.”

“I have to go, but thanks.” I hang up and growl, “He did it, but I’m still going to kill him.”

Matteo puts his hand on my shoulder, gripping it hard. “No, you’re going to marry her now, and we’re handling the Moreno family, wiping them out slowly and painfully just like you suggested.”

“It’s pretty fast, in my opinion,” Alessio adds. “I’m sure they’re losing their minds and soon, their alliances.”

A scream rends the air, and I’m out the door and up the stairs, hearing the rest of the men behind me. When I get to my room, my sister’s standing over one of her guards who had been left to watch the door, blade at his throat. He’s already clenching his stomach, bleeding all over my floor.

“Amore, are you safe?” Matteo asks her from a distance because he knows to give her a bit of space when she has a blade.

“I’m fine, but you must take care of this one here.” She steps on his balls.

“I don’t like you touching another man’s balls for any reason, Amore.” He sticks out his hand, and she finally steps off the fucker, handing the knife to Matteo.

“Even if I’m about to cut them off?” I storm past them straight to Patricia, who looks shaken.

“Yes, because that would require you to touch them, beloved.”

“Very well. You do it.” She kisses his cheek, and I wonder if my sister is fucking insane.

“What happened?” I question, wanting to know why this bastard was in our bedroom in the first place.

“He…” Patricia utters the one syllable and freezes.

“Came in here to take his revenge for the other night,” my sister finishes what my frightened woman can’t manage to get out.

“Let’s take out the trash.” My father yanks him out by the collar, tossing him down the stairs. “Oops, he slipped.” He winks at us from the doorway. He turns to the men at the foot of the stairs. “Don’t let him move.” I’m not sure the fucker can, but none of that is my priority.

I’m not sure how my sister got up here so quickly, but I’m grateful. “Why were you up here, Amore?”

“I came up here to discuss the wedding.”

We all stare at my sister like she’s full of shit because we know her well, but I just brush it aside because she protected my bride, and that’s all that matters at present. “We better get this wedding off sooner rather than later, before we have any more dissension.”

“It’s obvious it’s for the best that I just go away as I planned.”

“What fucking part of ‘it’s out of the question’ don’t you get? You’re about to be part of the Conti Family. End of story, Cupcake.” I turn to my family and say, “I want it to happen tonight.”

“Okay, Gio. We can get it done and call in Father Anthony for the service.”

“We can have an outfit picked out by then. I’m sure Mom is itching to plan it.” I looked at my father, hoping he had mentioned it to my mother because I haven’t. From the expression on his face, my sister smirks. “I’m guessing Mom’s going to be in for a surprise. We better get a move on.”

“We need a moment, so can you leave us?”

“Absolutely. We’ll make the preparations, and I’ll tell your mother. Be prepared for her,” my father says with a smirk on his face. One by one, the men leave the room until we’re alone. I lock the door behind them and find that Patricia’s eyes are focused on the pool of blood on the floor.

I cover her eyes and then tilt her head. “Don’t look at that.”


“Don’t be sorry. You don’t need to see that mess. Come sit on the bed and tell me what happened, exactly. I love my sister, but I know when she’s full of shit, and let’s just say something’s not quite adding up.”
