Page 40 of Winds of Danger

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“Mia,” Grant prompted. “You might want to learn her name as I think she might be around for a while.”

Maybe even forever. If things worked out.

“I could tell you liked her by the way you were looking at her, but this is quite a big step. Clearly, you’re smitten. Congratulations. I’ve only met her once, but she seemed like a lovely woman.”

“She is, although she’s been through a lot in the past. I’m hoping that we can just unplug and relax this weekend. I hope we didn’t step on any toes by using the cabin. Did you and Cassie have plans?”

“No, not at all,” Ace waved away his concern. “Henry and I are going fishing this weekend, and Cassie is having a few friends over while we’re gone. I think she’s thrilled we’re going. She’s practically packed our bags for us. She’s anxious to have some time to herself.”

Henry had come home from college for the summer about a month ago, and Grant had no doubt that the house was louder and more eventful now than when he was gone. Not that Cassie didn’t adore her stepson. She did, and they got along beautifully, but it had to be a big change.

“Are you just going overnight?”

“Just the one night,” Ace confirmed. “I was planning to ask you to go with us, and that’s when m\Mom told me about the cabin. She can’t wait to meet Mia, just so you know.”

“I do know. I don’t want to scare Mia off with Mom’s full-court press to get married and have babies. We’re taking things slow.”

“Because of her past?”

“Yes, and because we’re both simply cautious people. It’s in our nature, I think. We’re not overly impulsive or spontaneous. We’re planners, and that’s fine with me.”

“You definitely couldn’t be described as spontaneous,” Ace chuckled. “Now Trey…he’s a different story.”

Their brother Trey was completely unpredictable. He might show up at your house at eleven at night to have a beer and chat about poetry, or he might call you from Rome as he’d flown out the night before on a whim. He had a brilliant financial mind, but he was easily bored, constantly jumping from one thing to another. Even as a kid, he’d had a different hobby almost every month.

And a different girlfriend just as often. The family had learned to never get too attached to anyone he was with. The running joke was that he had to travel because he’d dated every woman within a two-hundred-mile radius at this point.

“When does he come home?”

“He is home,” Ace replied. “Flew in last night. I haven’t seen him, but he sent me a text about a business matter and mentioned that he was in town. That’s why I stopped in since I was in the neighborhood. I wanted to suggest that we plan something while he’s here. Get together for cheeseburgers and beers.”

Grant didn’t get to spend near enough time with his siblings anymore. They were all so busy it was hard to find a time that they were all free from obligations.

“I’m in. It sounds good.”

Ace levered up from the chair and turned to go but paused, before his hand on the door handle.

“Is she the one?”

Grant chuckled at his brother’s bold question. Clearly, he and Mia were going to be the talk of the family.

“She just might be.”

He didn’t know any other way to be than honest. Mia was too important to pretend that she was just some girl.

“Then I can’t wait to meet her and welcome her to the family.”

“I hope that’s what happens. She’s skittish from what happened in her past.”

“Is the ex going to be problem? Is he still in prison?”

“Yes, but maybe not for much longer. And I hope he’s not going to be an issue. When he gets out, he’s not even supposed to leave Georgia.”

“That’s never stopped anyone.”

“True, if he’s determined to get to her, he’ll find a way.”

“And what will you do?”
