Page 70 of Winds of Danger

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It might even be preferable. She didn’t know any details, but if it had been ugly, it might be a blessing to have no memory of what happened. In time, it might return when he was stronger and able to deal with it.

There was a sound of footsteps, and a police officer stepped into the room. He nodded to Grant and Mia before addressing Mike.

“How are you feeling? Do you think you might be up to looking at some photos? See if anyone looks familiar?”

“I’m not sure if I will but I definitely want to help. I want to do anything I can to help you find the person who did this to me and Lane.”

“That’s the spirit,” the officer encouraged. “I’ll send in a deputy to go through them with you. Just let him know if you recognize anyone, okay?”

“Sure, I’ll do that.”

“Perhaps we should leave you with the police,” she said, stepping toward the door. “I’m sure finding who did this is a priority.”

“Please stay,” Mike said, squeezing her hand. “Do you have to leave, Mia? I don’t want to be alone. Besides, you might want to look at the pictures, too. You might recognize someone who has been hanging around the neighborhood.”

She couldn’t leave Mike when he was pleading with her not to go. Grant seemed to completely understand, however, giving an approving smile.

“How about I get us some cold drinks? I can give you guys some privacy,” he suggested. “Mike, what would you like?”

“A cold soda would be great,” Mike said. “Thanks a lot.”

“I’ll be back in a bit,” Grant said, exiting the room along with the officer while another one walked in with two gray binders in their arms.

These might be pictures of whoever had broken into Lane and Mike’s home. She wasn’t sure she was going to be of any help, but she’d do whatever she could.

The person that had killed her best friend needed to be brought to justice.

* * *

Grant walked into the hallway with the police officer. For some reason, the man looked familiar, but he couldn’t quite place him. A law enforcement convention, perhaps? It was a small world, and on this side of the state, it often felt even smaller.

“I’m Rick Wallace,” the officer said, shaking Grant’s hand. “And you look familiar to me. Have we met before?”

“I was just thinking the same thing, although I resemble my brothers as well so you may have met one of them. I’m Grant Anderson.”

Wallace’s grin widened and he chuckled, shaking his head.

“Your reputation precedes you. What brings you to our neck of the woods?”

“Mia is my girlfriend,” Grant replied. “To be honest, I’ve been helping her look into a stalker situation that she’s been having recently. Not long ago, they sent her a text threatening her friends, and now this has happened. Needless to say, I’m concerned that this guy is escalating.”

Wallace’s brows shot up and his mouth dropped open.

“A stalker? This is the first I’m hearing of this. This could be important to the case. Do you know who it is?”

“I don’t know, unfortunately. I wish I did. But I won’t give up until I find them.”

“Mr. Ellers didn’t mention that there might be someone with a motive to break into his home. From the statement we took, he made it sound rather random, but he’d just had a hit to the head. I’d like to hear about your investigation. Perhaps I can help. How about I buy you a coffee or a soda?”

The cafeteria was on the first floor of the hospital. The cold drinks were on Grant, though, even when Sheriff Wallace protested.

“You’re on duty,” Grant laughed. “So, I’m buying. Besides, I was getting these others as well.”

“Well, thanks,” the sheriff said. “When I’m in your town, I’ll do the honors.”

“You’re always welcome. It’s nice to talk to someone who understands the job.”

“It is,” the older man agreed. “I hear you have a pretty fancy computer setup there at your station. I wouldn’t mind getting a look at it.”
