Page 8 of Winds of Danger

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She’d played her part well, acting like she’d become content, submissive, and pliable. Kevin seemed to believe it, too. He’d actually been almost nice at times, praising her for being a “good girl”.

It was enough to make her sick. She’d hated herself every day that she was with him. She hated him, loathed him. He made her skin crawl and her stomach turn. In the beginning when they’d first started dating and he’d worn his emotional mask, she’d thought he was so handsome and charming. Such a gentleman that seemed to really care about her. Then that mask had slipped…

Now she was on the run, and she simply couldn’t go back. Not this time. If she had to run forever, she would. She’d changed in some deep way this morning as she’d raced away from him. She was free in a sense. Freer than she’d been in a long time even if she was in danger. At least, she was making the decisions today. She was in charge.

Except that she’d driven into a damn hurricane, and now she had to depend on the kindness of strangers to survive the night. It wasn’t in her nature to trust someone she’d just met, but she had to, at least for now.

The sheriff seemed like a good person. There was no coldness in his eyes, and he didn’t look at her in a way that made her nervous. She’d become an expert at reading other people. She’d had to become one to survive in many ways. So far, Sheriff Anderson appeared to be a decent human being who simply didn’t want her to die in his jurisdiction.

I don’t want to die, either. Living is a priority. Living free is an even higher one.

She was stuck here tonight, and she needed to make the best of it. Would it be so bad to pretend that everything was normal for a few brief hours? Eat something with the nice sheriff, and then try to sleep. She’d get up early and get on the road for Naples. Hopefully, putting more distance between herself and Kevin. Had he turned north or south? She had a fifty-fifty shot. He might have gone north if he was aware of the storm heading here.

Scraping her fingers through her long hair, she adjusted her ponytail and tried to look like a normal human being. The last thing she needed was for people to notice her. That would be bad, so very bad. Then when Kevin would ask if anyone had seen her, maybe show them her picture, they would be able to answer. She wanted to fly under the radar, getting lost in the crowd.

Taking a deep breath to calm her nerves, she went back into the living area of the suite and switched on the television to a local station. Some poor reporter who had apparently pissed off his manager or had drawn the short straw was standing in the wind and the rain wearing a bright yellow raincoat that looked like it wasn’t doing anything to keep him dry. The man’s hair was plastered to his head, and he was almost being blown off his feet, but he struggled to speak into the microphone and describe the treacherous conditions for the news anchors who were safe back at the station.

I was planning on driving in this. No wonder the sheriff threatened to put me in jail if I did. It’s terrible out there.

There was something reassuring about the happy and bright chat from the news program. It soothed her ruffled nerves, and she found herself almost relaxing on the sofa as if it was just any other day. Lost in the video of the storm outside, she momentarily forgot that she was a woman on the run.

I’ll think about it tomorrow. But tonight, I just want to be who I used to be. Is that too much to ask?

She’d lost track of time, and she jumped when there was a bang on the door. A voice called out that it was Sheriff Grant Anderson from the hallway. Standing on her tiptoes, she peered through the peephole, and it was her rescuer.

She slid the lock and opened the door. He was smiling as he wheeled in a tray filled with food. It looked like he’d ordered enough for ten people.

“That’s a lot of food.”

“I figured we could pack any leftovers in the fridge. I was hoping not to bug the kitchen again tonight. In fact, I’m going to put this ice cream in the freezer so it doesn’t melt.”

There was a small kitchen area in the suite with a refrigerator freezer, a stovetop, a microwave, and a sink. The suite was large and expansive, and she could have easily lived here without any complaints.

“You have ice cream?”

It was one of her weaknesses. Along with chocolate. Lots of chocolate. Kevin had managed to take away many things in her life, including her feeling of safety and security, but he’d never managed to take her sweet tooth.

“I do,” he confirmed. “Was that a good call?”

“It was.”

Her stomach growled at the yummy aromas wafting around her nose, and she was surprised to find that she was hungry. Maybe this storm had spurred on her appetite.

There were a couple of cheeseburgers and an entire plate of fries. A large pizza, a steak and baked potato, along with a large salad. A grilled chicken sandwich, and a side of mixed veggies if she wanted to be healthy. There was also half of a chocolate cake, and her mouth watered at the smell of pure unadulterated food heaven.

“You did get a bit of everything. Healthy and junk food.”

“I didn’t really tell the chef anything. I just said to make us a variety of things and we could just graze a bit. But it looks like he managed despite not getting any deliveries today. I know that we’re low on fresh fruit and vegetables. But the freezer is full of meats, cheeses, and the like.”

“If you’d brought me bread and butter I wouldn’t have complained. It turns out that I’m starving.”

“Then let’s eat up. I’m hungry, too.”

They didn’t really talk much for a while, both of them content to simply fill their empty bellies. Despite both of them having appetites, there was still a massive amount of food leftover. She helped the sheriff pack it away in the refrigerator for later. For him. Not for her. She was full, although she might make room for some of that ice cream later.

“Mia, can I ask you a question?”

They were back sitting on the couch watching the news. She’d begun relaxing while they ate, but his question had her on high alert again.
