Page 108 of Rival Darling

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“It was either that or crabs.” She leaned against the counter, adjusting her bag across her shoulder. “Would it really be that bad to come to the game?”

“Yeah, it really would,” I said. “Besides, can’t you see I’m working?”

She lifted an eyebrow as she surveyed the clean countertops, the freshly swept floors, and the empty café. Even the coffee machine was sparkling clean as it had barely been used today. “There’s no one here, Vi. The whole town’s at the game, and the weather's so terrible I doubt you’re going to get customers anytime soon. I’m sure Nicole can cover for you.”

“I totally can,” Nicole called out from the storeroom.

I still couldn’t bring myself to contemplate it. I was trying to avoid the feelings that bubbled up inside me whenever I thought about Reed, so watching him play hockey certainly wasn’t going to help with that. “I think you should come,” Mia said. “I still refuse to believe Reed didn’t have real feelings for you.”

“I told you about his history with Jeremy…”

“Yeah, but does that really matter? You were using him to get to Jeremy too, if I recall.”

“And I was totally up front about that,” I murmured. “Why did he keep all this stuff from me?”

She shrugged. “I can’t answer that, Vi. But it’s not like he went out of his way to pursue you and trick you into dating him. You were the one who kissed him at the bonfire. The poor guy was just standing there minding his own business, and bam, your tongue was down his throat.”

“Mia,” I groaned. “You’re not helping.”

She let out a sigh and seemed to relax a little. “I’m just trying to make you realize that things between you and Reed aren’t as black-and-white as you think. Does it really matter why you both got into this fake relationship at the start if the feelings at the end were real?”

I knew she was talking sense, but I wasn’t in a very rational place right now. Maybe Reed had developed feelings for me over time, like I had for him, but that still didn’t explain why he was keeping so much from me. Jeremy’s story seemed to fill in those gaps.

Mia looked like she wanted to continue trying to convince me, but she could probably see how drained I was and thought better of it.

“I don’t have to go to the game,” she said, sympathy in her expression. “Do you want me to stay here?”

“And ruin your date with Grant? I don’t think so.”

She gave me a small smile. He’d finally asked her out. It might have only been to see a hockey game together, but I knew she was over the moon.

“Do I look okay?” she asked.

“Gorgeous,” I replied. “And you’re not even wearing your first-base outfit.”

She folded her arms and raised an eyebrow at me. “Uh, only because you ruined its magic by not kissing Reed that night. I’m still angry at you about that, by the way.”

“I kissed him the next day.”

“It’s not the same.”

“Well, I’m sure you’ll find another piece of lucky clothing to replace it.”

“Oh, I have,” she replied. “I’m wearing my lucky lingerie.”

My eyes widened. “What?”

Mia laughed at my shocked expression. “Head out of the gutter, Vi. I didn’t say my get lucky lingerie.” She shook her head. “I was wearing this bra when Grant asked me out. I’m sure he’ll ask me on a second date since I’m wearing it today.”

“I’m sure he will too.”

She laughed once more, but as she glanced up at the clock, she swore. “I’m going to be late. Are you sure you don’t mind if I take your car?”

“It’s fine. It’s not like I’m using it.”

“Thanks. I owe you.” She rushed over to give me a hug. “I’ll text you updates about the game and boo whenever Reed or Jeremy have the puck.”

“You don’t have to do that.”
