Page 115 of Caught on Camera

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“No catch. Just Christmas magic.” He winks at Clara, and she giggles. “Oh, and one more thing.” He pulls out an envelope from his back pocket and passes it across the porch. “Something for you, too.”

Derek’s hands tremble as he opens the letter, and he lets out a sob when he finds out what’s inside.

The remaining balance of his mortgage—seventy-five thousand dollars—paid off.

Tears sting my eyes and I bury my face in Shawn’s shoulder, overwhelmed by the generosity of this man.

He really isn’t real.

“Where—why—how did you know?” Derek asks.

“Santa has elves everywhere,” Shawn says, and he winks at Clara again. “Merry Christmas, you all.”

“Merry Christmas,” I say, and I wave to the family. Shawn takes my hand in his, and leads me down the stairs.

“Hey,” Derek calls out, and we look over our shoulders. “You look a lot like that guy who ran back a touchdown in Super Bowl 40.”

“I do?” Shawn smiles and dips his chin. “Huh. Never heard of him. I’m more of a baseball fan. Sounds like a great athlete, though. Wish I had those legs.”

Derek stares at him, understanding clouding his features just as we slip back into the truck and “All I Want for Christmas is You” begins to play.



I’ve always wanteda Christmas Eve like this, with too many bodies squished together in one room.

Festive music is in the air, playing just loud enough to be heard over the laughter and conversations.

Cookie dough is spread out on the kitchen island and all the counters.

My hands are covered in flour and there is sugar on my cheeks.

Still, though, I can’t stop smiling.

There’s merriment. Tears. Horrible, off-key singing of some of my favorite Christmas songs. Stories from then and now. One of Shawn’s nieces is sitting on the counter in front of me, and she helps me with the rolling pin.

My heart is full, in a way it hasn’t been for a very long time.

“Lacey,” Eliza says, and she stops helping to eat a handful of chocolate chips. “Do you love Uncle Shawn?”

My eyes find him across the room.

He’s leaning against the wall, in deep conversation with his brother-in-law. There’s a beer in one of his hands, his fingers curled around the glass bottle, while the other sits tucked in the pocket of his jeans.

He must sense me looking at him, because he turns his head. He scans the room and when his gaze settles on me, he grins.

Flirting with me, Daniels?he mouths, and I roll my eyes.

My heart also skips a beat.

“Do you remember what Uncle Shawn told you? That he liked me very much? That’s how I feel about him, too,” I explain.

“Good. I hope you like him forever, because I like you. I want to see you again,” Eliza says, and she sneaks a piece of cookie dough into her mouth. “I like that you play dress up with us.”

“We’ll find a way to see each other again.” I smile and wipe a clump of sugar away from her forehead. “People who like each other always find a way to stay around.”

“Good.” Eliza points to the ground. “Can I go down? I want to play with Parker.”
