Page 117 of Caught on Camera

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The deep voice I could recognize in the dead of night without eyesight caresses down my cheek. Glides down my back and spreads over my shoulders. It settles against my heart, a cat curled up for a nap in the indulgent summer sun.

Shawn slides his arm around my waist and kisses my cheek. His lips are warm, and I melt under his touch. The air is lighter. The music is brighter. Everything is better with him by my side.

“Hi.” I glance up at him and find him smiling at me. “Did you come to help make cookies?”

“No.” Kelly laughs and shakes her head. “He doesn’t want to help; he just wants to eat the dough. He does this every year.”

“Sorry, buddy. Only people who help can have a taste,” I say, and I bump my hip against his. “You’re going to have to find someone else to give you a snack.”

“Fine. I won’t eat the dough.” His gaze softens, and he pushes his thumb into the point of my chin. “Can I still stick around? I missed you.”

“Oh.” I wipe my arm across my forehead, needing something to do besides look at him with hearts in my eyes. “Of course. I’d like it if you were here.”

“Good. Mom, do you need any help getting things ready for dinner tonight?” Shawn asks. “You know I love making the stuffing.”

“I already have you down for that.” Kelly smiles and wipes her hands. “I’m going to run and check on my husband. He’s supposed to be in here supervising the kids, and I’m willing to bet he’s fast asleep in his recliner by the fire. Lacey, can you finish these cookies?”

“Absolutely. Go easy on him when you find him, though. I sat in that recliner last night after delivering gifts, and I almost didn’t get out of it,” I say, and she laughs.

“I got it for him so he’d stay out of my way in the kitchen, but now I need himinthe kitchen.” She slips off her apron and squeezes my arm. “Thank you for talking with me, sweetie. I’m so glad you’re here.”

“Me, too,” I say, and I watch her head for the living room.

“Look at you getting the mom stamp of approval.” Shawn leans against the counter and smiles at me. “What did you all talk about?”


“How’d that go?” he asks, and it makes my heart ache to hear the hesitancy in his voice. Like I’d learn something about him that would make me want to leave when all I want to do is stay.

“Really well.” I rest my palm on his cheek, and he doesn’t seem to mind the dough and flour all over my fingers. He leans into my touch, and his eyes flutter closed. “We were talking about how great you are.”

“Flirting with me in front of the children? You’re unbelievable, Daniels.”

“Ass.” I nudge his hip with mine again and gesture to the counter. “Will you make yourself useful? We have four dozen cookies to bake, a neighborhood to serenade with caroling, and a delicious meal to eat. The longer these take, the less time you have for the other things.”

“Fine.” He takes the apron his mother abandoned and pulls it over his head. He looks ridiculously out of place when he rolls up his sleeves and shows off his inked arms. “Anything for you,” he says, and he grabs a rolling pin. “Anything at all, Lacey girl.”



“Are you tired?”I ask Lacey.

She is curled up beside me on the bed, a book in her hand and her feet tucked under my thighs. There’s a steaming mug of hot chocolate sitting on the table next to her, and I lean over to grab it by the handle. I pop one of the marshmallows in my mouth and take a long sip.

It’s nearing midnight, and every minute of our Christmas Eve has been busy. We spent hours making cookies, then followed up the cooking with caroling and helping my parents wrap gifts for my nieces.

The living room looked like a war zone covered in wrapping paper and ribbons when we finished for the night, and I’m going to make sure I’m up extra early in the morning to help clean up.

“No,” she admits, and she drags her thumb across my upper lip. “You have a whipped cream mustache.”

“Is it a good look?”

Lacey tilts her head to the side. Her eyebrows wrinkle like she’s deep in thought, then they smooth back out. “I don’t hate it.”

“That’s significantly better than no.” I set the drink down and drum my fingers against her shoulder. I’m buzzing with energy, and I can’t sit still. “Want to go on an adventure?”
