Page 103 of Behind the Camera

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She’s always been happy and outgoing, but she’s different when you’re around. She’s braver and more willing to try new things. I know that’s because she feels safe with you.

You two sing loudly. You play in the fountain at the park. You skin your knees and you come home with sunburn on your shoulders. Maybe I should be mad at you for living a little dangerously, but then I see the smile on June’s face—on your face too—and I know I could never be mad at you. Not for a single second.

JB has needed someone like you in her life. Someone vivacious and bold. Carefree, but also able to discipline and be firm when needed. I heard you scold her the other day when she ran into a kid on the playground and didn’t apologize. You told her why what she did was wrong, but you soothed her after.

That’s good parenting.

Good nannying, I guess I should say.

I know you say you don’t have a clue what you’re doing (I’ll admit you’re fucking terrible in the kitchen, but god, it’s cute to watch you try), but you’re wrong, Maven.

You’re doing so well, and I’m so grateful for you.


I’m greedy for the next one, and my laugh bursts out of me when I read it.


I have a bone to pick with you.

Those goddamn jean shorts you wear around the house? They’re the bane of my fucking existence.

They’re entirely too tight, and they make your ass look good.

Too fucking good.

Can’t you walk around in a sack or something? My productivity has gone out the window.

(Don’t, though. I dream about your thighs, and I’d be sad if I didn’t get to see them again.)


p.s. (addendum after our FaceTime call, scribbled frantically in the airport): you’re going to be the death ofme, woman. I think it’s time to invest in the sex toy market and buy you a thousand vibrators.

I reach for the final one, and it’s the shortest of the bunch.


I miss you.

Fuck, I miss you.


“Why?” I ask, and the question hangs heavy between us.

“I’ve always said I don’t date because I’m focused on football. I don’t want any distractions or things that will interfere with my job. But lately, I realize that’s not true—you’re the biggest distraction of all and I’m having the best season of my career. I think I’ve been using excuses because I just hadn’t found the right thing yet. Because when I look at you, Maven, I’m alive for the first time in years. I feel like I was made for you, and I feel like you were made for me too. I’m all in on this. On you.”

A crack goes straight down my chest. It’s like when lightning strikes a tree, a quick burst of light then a burning flame. I turn to face him, and his face is brighter. Assured and confident. In a world of what ifs and endless possibilities, he and I are a definite yes.

It’s not anI love you—it’s too soon for that—but in a way, it’s better.Deeper. A level of admiration I’ve never had before that goes far beyond those three words.

“Iwasmade for you,” I say. I bring my fingers to his neck and touch the necklace pressed against his throat. I move to his chestand settle my hand over his heart. “And I’d like to stay here for a long time.”

“As long as you’d like, sunshine.”

Our gazes lock and hold, a beat of tranquil silence before we both attack.
