Page 135 of Behind the Camera

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You’d think we just won the Super Bowl by the way we descend around Odell. We jump up and down and act like the biggest fucking idiots on the planet, but I don’t give a shit.

We’re going to the playoffs.

“Where did you learn to run like that?” I ask Odell, and I wrap him in a tight hug.

“By trying to keep up with your skinny ass,” he yells, and I think he breaks one of my ribs when he squeezes me.

A dozen reporters work their way into our circle. There are video cameras and microphones everywhere. Shawn and Odell both get drenched with the Gatorade cooler. Stadium security tries to keep the rapidly growing crowd away from the players, but they’re doing a shitty job.

I hug my teammates then scan the field, looking for Maven. She’s snapping photo after photo of the celebration, but when she spots me, she grins from behind the camera and breaks out into a run.

Goddamnshe looks incredible, and a bolt of possessiveness rips through me as some of the other guys try to get her attention. I swear to god my dick twitches when she ignores them and keeps her eyes trained firmly on me.

When she’s close enough to reach, she leaps into my arms. I spin her around, and to anyone else, it would probably look like we’re two friends celebrating. Reveling in the high of the moment of a great fucking game. But I can feel the way she leans into me. How she wiggles in my hold and sighs against my neck.

“Great game,” she whispers in my ear.

“I’m not going to have a voice tomorrow.” I laugh and bury my face in her hair for the briefest of seconds before I set her back on the grass. “I like that you’re here for these moments.”

“Me too.” She pops her hip to the side and I stare at the curve of her thigh. “My eyes are up here, Lansfield.”

“Sorry. You’re really fucking distracting, and I have this weird attraction to you. When I see you, I want to do unspeakable things to you.”

“Yeah?” She tilts her head back and looks up at me. “Maybe you should do them.”

“What? Here? In the end zone?”

“I didn’t know you were into exhibitionism.”

“I think I’d be into anything with you.” An idea forms in my head, and I feel my cheeks turn red at the thought. I swallow and lift my chin toward the tunnel. “You want to go celebrate?”

Maven steps toward me, and our toes touch. “If by celebrate you mean go home and do whatever it is that has you blushing like that, then hell, yeah, I want to celebrate.”

“Do you have Maverick’s phone number saved in your phone?”

“Why? Is he planning on joining us?”

“Absou-fucking-lutely not. His dick is probably twelve inches long. I wouldn’t stand a chance.”

Her laugh is light, and it warms me up. “Here,” she says, and she pulls her phone out of the back pocket of her khakis.

I find Maverick’s name and send him a message.


It’s Dallas.

Can you grab June from the nursery and take her to your place?

Want to celebrate with M.


Hey, Daddy. I got you.

Let it be known I’m missing out on going to the bar with a five-foot-ten goddess, but you know I’m weak when it comes to my goddaughter.

