Page 148 of Behind the Camera

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Everyone stares at me—my teammates and their families celebrating the wins. The reporter waiting to interview Shawn.Reid, who is live streaming our celebrations to god knows how many social media channels. Paul, the locker room security guard, who grins at me.

“What?” Shawn growls, and I take as deep of a breath as I can.

“I said, I love her.” My eyes move from his face to Maven. Her mouth hangs open, and she’s gaping at me. “I love you,” I say, softer this time. We might have an audience, but the declaration is just for her.

The pressure around my neck loosens. I blink, and my feet are back on the ground. Shawn watches me, and an ounce of his anger is gone.

“How long?” he asks.

I touch the necklace hanging from my neck. Checking to make sure it’s still there has become a nervous habit. When my fingers graze over the gold M, my shoulders relax.

“Months. But I think I knew the minute I ran into her in the stadium, her first day on the job.”

I turn my attention back to Maven. There are tears on her cheeks, and I so badly want to pull her into my arms and hold her close. To whisper that it’s okay. That I’m still here and we’ll figure it out. She gives me a small smile, and my heart lurches up to my throat.

“I just fell,” I continue. “And I’d do it again without thinking twice.”

Shawn takes two steps back. “Get back to the locker room,” he says to my teammates, and they scatter like flies. Reid disappears, too, and I hope he took the video with him.

“I’m sorry,” I say.

“I’m not happy with you. I’m really fucking pissed. There are plenty of women out there. Nice ones, who aren’t eight years younger than you and my goddamn goddaughter.”

“There are.” I touch her necklace again and smile. “But none of them are her. It wouldn’t be worth it.”

He watches me for a beat then sighs. “Now that I know this is going on, I have to handle it like I would any other player having a relationship with someone on the team.”


I think a knife gets stabbed through my chest.

We knew the repercussions of what could happen if anyone found out about us but we—I—decided to be bold and reckless anyway.

I decided to be a smug asshole and walk around with her necklace hanging from my throat, as if no one would notice or put two and two together.

Now one of us is going to be in trouble, and I have a feeling they’re not going to choose the guy who just hit the game-winning field goal to take the Titans back to the Super Bowl.

I turn to Maven. She’s still watching me, and I’m desperate to know what she’s thinking.

“Hey, sunshine,” I say softly, and I reach out to cup her cheek. “Could you grab June? I’ll meet y’all at the car.”

“Oh.” She swallows and bobs her head. “Yeah. I can do that.”

I grab her hand before she can run off. “We’re going home together, okay?”

“I’m afraid to leave you alone. I don’t want you to get hurt, and I think Shawn might actually kill you.”

I press a kiss to her forehead and she melts against me. “I’ll be alright, baby. I’ll see you soon.”

Maven lets go of me and shuffles backward. Her eyes dip to my bare chest and to the necklace I’m not sure I’ll ever take off. Her lips pull into a smile, and I know we’re going to be okay.

“Dallas,” Shawn says, and for a few blissful seconds, I forgot he was here. I forgot anyone was here but her. “We need to talk.”

“I know we do.” I watch Maven walk away, and I rub my hand across my chest. “But not yet. Can you give me a few days to try and figure some things out?”

“Figurewhatout, exactly?” he asks. “You broke the rules, and so did she. The last thing I need is the NFL complaining to me about workplace misconduct and inappropriate relationships happening under my nose. Again. Jesus Christ. Right before the fucking Super Bowl. I swear to God. If I have to bench you because you can’t keep your dick in your pants, I will actually murder you.”

I huff out a laugh. “Look. I have an idea. A few, actually. But I need a a couple days to make them happen. I know my whole outburst is probably trending on social media, but I promise to lay low. I won’t make any comments or confirm anything to anyone who asks. Give me some time. Please, Coach. She and June are the best things to ever happen to me, and I want to make sure this is handled right.”
