Page 155 of Behind the Camera

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“Get the hell out of here, Lansfield. This is a private meeting. I’m dealing with you later.”

“Don’t sign anything,” Dallas pants. He braces himself against the door and sucks down a breath. “Don’t sign it, Mae.”

“I don’t have a choice,” I say. “We talked about this, and you better not be doing anything stupid.”

“Maverick,” he says, and I narrow my eyes.

“Do you have another concussion?”

“No.” He walks over and collapses in the seat next to me. “The D.C. Stars need an in-game photographer. Their lead woman is going out on maternity leave, and she’s going to miss all next season. He mentioned your name, and with how good your photographs are, the media team wants to meet you for an interview.”

“Are you serious?” I turn and face him. “When did this happen?”

“Ten minutes after you left. That’s what I wanted to talk to him about. It’s not guaranteed, but it’s a maybe.”

“A maybe? A maybe is better than a no.” I lean forward and hug him tight. “Thank you. Thank you so much, Dallas.”

“You cannot sign that termination contract,” he repeats when he pulls away from me. “There’s probably some bullshit clause in there about not working for another professional sports team for a certain number of years. That was the case with our old assistant coach. She was basically blacklisted and never coached again.” He looks at Shawn. “Is there?”

“Oh, you do remember that. I was thinking you didn’t,” he says flatly, and he flips through his copy of the contract. “It does. On page seven.”

“Don’t sign it, baby. Quit instead.”

“Quit? I’ve never quit anything in life willingly,” I say.

“I know you haven’t.” Dallas smiles and cups my cheeks. His palms are warm and soft, and I relax for the first time since I stepped foot in this office. “That’s one of the reasons why I love you so much. You’re so fucking headstrong. But there’s a first time for everything, and I’m right here by your side.”

I glance at Shawn. His murderous look has eased into hesitant acceptance, and that gives me hope.

“I quit,” I whisper, and Dallas squeezes my knee.

“I accept your resignation, but I’m still pissed as shit.” Shawn turns to Dallas. “You broke my trust, and there will be consequences. Losing your captain title is a possibility, and I’m not above benching you for the first half of the Super Bowl. I hate to make an example out of you, but I might fucking have to. It clearly didn’t stick the first time.”

“Yes, Coach,” Dallas says, and he hangs his head. “I get it. I do. I just—I love her, you know? And I’ve never loved anyone like her, so I’ve been an idiot. I’ve been a little daring and a little stupid. I get caught up in her sometimes—okay, all the time, if we’re being honest. Maven is the most wonderful thing to ever happen to me, and I’m a better man because of her. I know Imessed up, and I know it’s going to take some time to earn your trust back. You have every right to punish me, but I’m going to be honest with you, Coach. I’d do it again. I’d do it again in a heartbeat. I’m not learning from my mistakes because loving her isn’t a mistake. It’s the easiest, surest thing.”

Shawn rubs his forehead and stares at us. “You make it really fucking difficult to stay mad at you when you’re acting like a modern-day Romeo.”

“It’s working,” Dallas whispers to me, and I laugh and sniff at the same time.

“You love her?” Shawn asks. “You really, truly love her?”

“I do. Enough to get choked by you and make a fool of myself on television.”

His eyes move to me. “And you love him?”

“Yes.” I nod and glance at Dallas. “I love him very much.”

Shawn is quiet for a moment, but then he sighs. “I’ll have the PR people put out a press release confirming your relationship and that it happened off of team premises. I’ll let the league office know you handed in your resignation, and no investigation is needed.”

“Investigation?” Dallas asks. “Who’s being investigated?”

“You were going to be,” Shawn says. “To make sure you didn’t coerce her into anything or use your power to persuade her into a relationship she didn’t consent to.”

“Are you serious? She’s the one with the power. When she walks around in those?—”

“Shut the fuck up, Lansfield, or I will pin you to the wall again,” Shawn says, and I turn bright red. “Both of you get out of here so I can deal with this.”

I walk around the desk and hug him. “I know you’re not my dad, but I love you like one. I’m sorry for putting you in this position and I’m sorry for the things I said.”
