Page 160 of Behind the Camera

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“Now we’re back on top.” He grabs his mouthguard and spins it around. “How are you and Maven doing? Is Shawn still pissed?”

“Less so, now. I get why he’s mad about it. I didn’t just break the rules—I broke his trust too. He’s coming around, though. We’re going to be just fine.”

“I’m glad. You’re a good guy, Lansfield. If I had a sister, you’re the only one on the team I’d let date her. Is Maven going to be here tonight?”

“Yeah. She’s out in the stands with our families. June is with her.” I laugh and run my hand through my hair. “If you had asked me at the start of the season what I imagined my cheering section at the Super Bowl would look like, it definitely wouldn’t have included them.”

“Funny how things work out,” Jett says. “You’re happy, man, and it’s about damn time.”

“It doesn’t seem real. It feels like I’m in some alternate reality where the girl of my dreams somehow falls for me and we live happily ever after. I want to win tonight for her.”

“Course you do. Just don’t show off too much, okay? Save some glory for the rest of us,” he teases.

“Yeah, because the one hundred million people watching tonight are really going to look atmeand say, gosh, I want to be just like him when I grow up. No way, man. Not when they see you play,” I say.

“Are you two done flirting with each other?” Odell throws an arm over both of our shoulders. “It’s time to head to the field.”

“You’re just jealous no one wants to flirt with you,” Jett says, and he shrugs off the defensive lineman’s embrace. “Let’s do this, boys.”

“Y’all go ahead,” I tell them, and I grab my phone. “I’ll be there in a second.”

I pull up my text thread with Maven and type out a quick message.


About to take the field.

Her response comes right away.


Are you allowed to be texting me right now?


When it comes to you, I’ve never really given a fuck about the rules.


I like when you get possessive.


How are the seats?


Incredible. We’re right in the front row. You’ll be able to see us when you’re on the field.


I don’t know if that’s a good thing or a bad thing. You’re going to distract me all night.


Is now the time to tell you I’m wearing Justin’s jersey instead of yours?

