Page 48 of Behind the Camera

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This would be easier if she wasn’t so pretty.

“Hey.” Maven leans on her suitcase handle, and I try not to focus on the way her dress rides up her thighs when she moves. “Fancy seeing you here.”

I blink and clear my throat. “Hey.”

“This is my friend, Isabella, who I mentioned would be helping me.”

“Reid and Maverick are here. They can help, too.”

“That’d be great. My furniture is in storage, but there are a couple of bags and boxes down in the car.”

I nod, and my eyes move to her friend. “Hi,” I say, and I hold out my hand. “I’m Dallas.”

“I know.” Isabella grins and shakes my hand. “I’ve heard a lot about you.”

“Oh?” I lift an eyebrow, and that familiar easiness that comes with being around Maven locks in place. I glance back to my new roommate and smirk. “Something you want to tell me? I’m flattered I’m the center of so many of your conversations, Mae.”

“Conversations like how you’ve had seventy-one nannies before me, and they all have a serious infatuation with your junk,” she says innocently, and I choke on a laugh. “Don’t let it go to your… head.”

“You’re a menace. Come on in, y’all.”

I hold the door open so they can step inside. Two suitcases trail behind them, and I take the bag hanging from Maven’s shoulder.

“Thanks,” she says, and she tosses me another smile. Her attention shifts to June, and she bends down to kiss the top of her head. “Hi, June Bug. I’m so excited to be your roommate.”

“Look, Mae Mae. I made a bracelet. It matches Daddy’s!” June hands over the misspelled craft project, and Maven slips it on.

“It’s so pretty.” Maven turns her wrist from side to side and admires the pink and purple beads. “Thank you so much. I’m going to wear it all the time.”

“Hope you don’t mind being twins,” I say, and I hold up my arm.

“What does yours say?” she asks, and I give her a sheepish smile.

“Doody. The other one says Duddy. We’re working on our spelling.”

“Maybe it was intentional.” She slips past me toward the living room. I get a whiff of her shampoo as the hem of her dress grazes against my leg, and I do my best to not inhale. “Who’s to say I didn’t help her with them?”

“I see. Y’all have an alliance.” I lean against the wall, and she looks at me over her shoulder. “And I’m just chopped liver.”

“Prepare to be sick of us, lone star. You have no idea what you created by letting us live under the same roof. June Bug and I will rule the world one day, and we’re starting with this apartment.”

Maven flips her hair and disappears with a sly smile.

Maybe Reid and Maverick are right.

Maybe I should flirt a little.

It’s harmless fun, and it’s never going to go anywhere.

It might do me some good, and I can’t imagine anyone better to indulge in than Maven fucking Wood.



“Cheersto our first night as roommates.” Maven knocks her beer against mine. “I’d say today was a success.”

“We’re twelve hours in, and I can confidently say you’re the best roommate I’ve ever had.” I take a sip of my drink and wipe my mouth with the back of my hand. “But, to be fair, I’ve never had a roommate. The data might be skewed in your favor.”
