Page 51 of Behind the Camera

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I blow out a breath.

I take a second to collect myself so I don’t do something really fucking stupid and out of line, like ask her to bend over the couch.

Twelve hours in the same apartment with her, and I’ve lost all of my coherent thoughts.

I roll my shoulders back and give her a wry grin, knowing I have to keep it cool.

“For you to go first,” I say, and I think a flash of disappointment crosses her face. “If I’m going to share all of my deep, dark secrets, I need to know just how deep to get.”

Maven smirks. “As deep as you want.”




There she is, totally unfiltered and totally herself.

Maven takes the top off the crystal decanter and pours herself a glass of scotch. I watch her hips sway from side to side as she walks back to the couch and sits down. When she gets settled on the cushions, she tilts her head to the side, an invitation to join her.

Who am I to say no?

I sit next to her, aware that we’re closer than we were before.

“To sharing truths,” she says, and she raises her glass in the air.

I reach for mine and knock it against hers, our second cheers of the night.

“First question: did your father have a heart attack when you started dating?” I ask. “Because I think I might when June does.”

Maven smiles and runs her finger around the rim of her glass. “I didn’t date anyone in high school, but I had a couple boyfriends when I was in college. Maggie, his girlfriend, gave him the whole speech about how if he doesn’t let me live my life, I might start to resent him. I’m an only child, and he’s always been sensitive and protective when it comes to me. But the olderI get, the less scared he seems to be. He knows I can take care of myself, and I think that eases his mind.”

“Are you dating anyone now?” I blurt out before I can stop myself. “Sorry. That was?—”

“Part of the game, right?” She takes a sip of her drink and sighs again. “God, that’s good. No, I’m not dating anyone. With my photography gig and being here with June, I don’t have a lot of free time.”

“Oh, shit. Are we cockblocking you?”

“You’re not cockblocking me. If I wanted to, I could and would. But I like being busy and doing things that are bigger than me, you know?”

A sensation surges through me, and it feels a lot like relief.

Relief that she’s not crawling into anyone’s bed at night.

Relief that she could be anywhere in the world, and she picked here with me.

Relief that she sees taking care of my daughter as something important. Something valuable.

I grin like a smug bastard.

“I do know. That’s why I like getting involved with the stuff the team puts together for the community throughout the year. Being an athlete is fun, but it’s the people off the field that make this job worth it,” I say.

“You’re such a nice guy,” Maven murmurs.

“I’m not always nice,” I challenge, and she arches an eyebrow.

“Oh? Care to elaborate?”
