Page 22 of One Percent of You

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Elijah walked away, and then I groaned and said, “Thanks.” He looked over his shoulder. “You know, for driving me that night.”

“No problem.” He waved it off.

“Did you have trouble getting home?” I asked.

Another head shake. “Nah. I called someone to pick me up.”

I nodded. “Good.”

“See ya.”

See ya?

See ya?

Why would he say that? See you in passing? Of course, that was what he meant, but it was still weird. Almost friendly.

“Can I have more chips?” Lucy called out.

“Lucy!” I shouted. “You can’t ask that.”

To my surprise, he only said, “Bye, kid,” and headed toward his truck.

No harsh comment to or about Lucy. Maybe he meant it when he said he felt bad.


Sadly, it was time for me to go back to the real world. I’d spent the last six weeks with Lucy and Eli so I wasn’t excited to head back to the nursing home even though we needed the cash. I was almost broke and by the end of my first week, I dreaded the idea that I might have to ask Dad for help to get food until payday. I hated asking anyone for anything. I never did. That was what I had my credit card for. Besides, it was enough that they helped me with Lucy and now Eli while I finished up my last semester of the nursing program and worked.

The only time I hadn’t been with my babies in the last month and a half was for classes and it still sucked. One more month, and I’d be finished for good. My chest vibrated with excitement.

My entire class had our National Council Licensure Exam scheduled for the following Monday after we graduated—if we passed, but I knew I would. It was exhilarating and nerve-wracking. I got a lot more time for studying lately than I ever had before, but being this close, I couldn’t help but wonder if I’d fudge it up somehow.

That was why I needed to go to work and let Georgie tell me how I’d pass with flying colors. I would miss the old woman when I finally left. She was my rock while I was away from home. There really were two different families when you held down a job—a work-family, and then the ones that were your actual world. The work-family you didn’t really see outside of the job, but without them you knew you’d never make it. You shared secrets, fears, comforted one another when needed. There were things that I shared with Georgie that I couldn’t tell my mom. Georgie came without judgment. Mom had plenty to go around.

Everyone there knew I’d be moving on this summer. They were trying very hard to get me to continue at the home after I got my RN license. As much as I liked them all, I couldn’t stick around. I’ve always wanted to be at a hospital. It provided better hours and better pay. I wasn’t greedy, but with two kids to feed I needed more cash. Besides, I wanted a house too. All of these things required more money than what I had.

One more month. One more month.

I had it.

Lucy and Eli kept me going day-to-day, but this career… It pulled me out of bed every evening or whenever I caught a bit of sleep. I was a good CNA, and I would be an even better nurse. My kids would be happy because their mom stayed focused on the career she wanted.

I still had them. They still had me. They also still had their dad. Just not under the same roof.

“What do you think, Eli?” I peeked down at him in his car seat. “Think mommy will pass her exam next month?” His response was a giggle, but I thought it was more like gas. I hoped. “Lucy Evelyn Jameson,” I called out as I stood by the doorway to our apartment. Lucy and Eli both had Scott’s last name. “What’s taking you so long?”

“God bless America!” she murmured as she stepped through the hallway carrying her shoes. Despite us needing to hurry, I smiled. I got creative with cussing after becoming a mom. Lucy was picking up on my sayings as much as she’d said it lately. No one else I knew used the phrase like a cuss. “I can’t get these stupid things on.”

I sat the car seat down and bent on one knee. “Come here, and I’ll help you.” She could put on her pants herself but still struggled with shirts and shoes all the time. “See the Velcro is easy. You just peel it back, slip your foot in like that, and stick it in place.” I looked at her face to see her staring at mine. “Were you even watching?” She smiled and picked her nose. I dropped my head and groaned. “Okay, let’s go.”

I got off my knee and grabbed Eli in his car seat, and double, triple-checked the diaper bag before opening the apartment door. “Did you get everything?” I asked Lucy before locking the door, and she nodded.

Every time I walked to my car, I searched for Elijah. The habit worsened after last week’s confrontation. The odd moment lingered in my head. I’d admit it wasn’t totally unpleasant, but his stare was unnerving.

I didn’t need the reminder that my breasts were huge. Men. At least men still noticed me in that way, right? Pathetic especially since I didn’t have the time to make myself pretty anymore. Nice clothes and makeup were just as rare as sleep these days.

Elijah’s truck wasn’t in the driveway, so maybe he wasn’t home yet. The usual gang of boys weren’t out tonight either—thank Heaven! That small reprieve was over when Eli fussed.

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