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Elijah 1:16 PM: We’re surviving. We’re at my house right now. Lucy wanted to come out here.

Hadley 1:17 PM: Has Eli been fussy? What about Lucy?

Elijah 1:18 PM: Downloading…

It was a picture of Eli sitting up on the floor in his living room while he watched Lucy draw next to him.

Hadley 1:19 PM: Lucy is still wearing pj’s.

Elijah 1:20 PM: She didn’t want to change. We went through the drive-thru, anyway.

Hadley 1:21 PM: LOL! Thanks for watching them today. I’m sure Lucy’s thrilled about it.

Elijah 1:22 PM: Don’t thank me. Please, fucking don’t. Every time I see them, I wonder how I survived before you all came into my life. I was a miserable fuck now that I think back.

Hadley 1:23 PM: Mean? yeah, but I doubt you were miserable.

Elijah 1:24 PM: Didn’t realize what a lonely sap I was until you guys. Never cared to give anyone my time, but now I’m lonely just at the idea of not seeing you guys for a day. See what I’ve become?

Hadley 1:25 PM: What have you become? Lol.

Elijah 1:26 PM: Mundane. I want the ordinary, routine life. The house, the woman to share it with, and the kids. And I want it with you.

Hadley 1:27 PM: You’re so sweet.

Elijah 1:28 PM: Only for you. Only. 4. U.

Hadley 1:30 PM: My lunch is over. I’ll text when I’m on break.

Elijah 4:23 PM: We’re having another food crisis. Lucy’s really having fun with me not being able to cook. She says I’m old enough to take care of myself.

Elijah 4:30 PM: We’re heading to Ma’s. She’s cooking for us and before you ask, I told Lucy to change before we left.

Hadley 4:50 PM: On my break. Is everything okay? Are you strapping them in the car seats properly?

Elijah 4:52 PM: Downloading…

It was a short video of Eli laughing at Hank making weird noises.

Elijah: I’m going to pretend you didn’t ask that. Chill woman.

Hadley 4:54 PM: Sorry. Can’t help it.

Elijah 4:55 PM: Lucy hasn’t asked about you by the way… but I miss you if it counts for anything. Can’t wait to see you in a bit.

Hadley 4:57 PM: Same. Only two more hours.


Elijah sent me a text thirty minutes before I got off saying they were back from his mom’s. He never said if he was at my apartment or his house, though, so I guess I’d find out once I got there.

His truck was parked at his house, but I still walked up to the apartment first. It was a good guess since that was where they were. “Mom!” Lucy rounded the corner of the kitchen as she smiled at me.

“Did you have fun today?” I asked as I set down my keys and wallet.

She nodded vigorously. “Elijah burned pizza, so we got to go to his mom’s and eat.”

“That was confidential information, Lucy,” Elijah hollered.
