Page 61 of Loyalty

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“Robo, it’s time I told you, I was seeing Baron Zito’s daughter, Violetta. She’s the redhead. We hadn’t told the Baron or Baronessa, and today, they found out.”

Roberto’s eyes flew open. “The redhead is Baron Zito’sdaughter? All this time, she’s the girl you’re crazy about?”

“Yes, I had it all planned, but it didn’t happen the way I wanted. I was going to prepare him, but I didn’t get the chance.”

“PrepareBaron Zito? He’dnevergo for it, no matter how much you prepared him. Not you, not forher! No baron would!”

“I know that now.” Franco met Roberto’s eye, agonized. “You were right from the start. Way back when, remember? How could I think it would ever be otherwise? That men could be equal?”

Roberto met his eye, puckering his lower lip. “I love that about you.”

“What do you mean?”

“I admire your belief in yourself. It’s faith, pure faith. Nobody does great things without great faith. You thought you could change Palermo, by yourself. You were going towillyourself into marrying the Baron’s daughter, all because you love her.”

“I do, I love her.”

“I’m sorry, for her and for you.”

Franco sighed, composing himself. “Where are your men?”

“At Mario’s. We’re off tonight.”

“Not anymore. Go get them.” Franco rose. “We have to go to Palermo.”

Roberto stood up with a puzzled frown. “But you just got back.”

“Baron Zito’s going to buy Moravio’s parcel, so we can’t. We have to stop him.”


“I’ll explain on the way.”


Gaetano hurried uptown. His mind reeled after learning of the second kidnapping. He had to find out if Marshal Rosselli knew anything and if he was doing anything to investigate. Gaetano wasn’t optimistic, but he was too thorough not to check.

He turned left toward theQuestura, and a group of uniformedcarabiniericollected in front of the entrance, as usual. Their heads turned when they spotted him. He saw them snicker, but that didn’t stop him.

“Excuse me, gentlemen.” Gaetano tried to get through them to the door. “I’m here to see the Marshal.”

“No kidding,” one of the officers muttered, and they all laughed.

Gaetano went inside and stopped at the desk, where the officer pointedly kept doodling. “Excuse me, I’m here to see Marshal Rosselli.”

“No, you’re not, Signor Catalano.” The officer looked up, his eyes hard under the brim of his cap. “I’ve been given strict instructions. Marshal Rosselli will no longer entertain your inquiries.”

“What do you mean? I need to speak to him about this second kidnapping. I assume you know the one.”

“You’ve made a nuisance of yourself. Your visits disrupt his ability to do his job.”

“Part of his job is to answer to the public.”

“You take more time than any other member of the public.” The officer rose and folded his arms in his thick uniform.

“Has he been to Via Argenteria Vecchia to investigate?”

“I’m not at liberty to share such information.”
