Page 83 of Loyalty

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Carmine’s eyes flashed with recognition. “I recognize that name, Curcio. I think the family might have been a client of my boss’s. I think he drafted Curcio’s Last Will & Testament.”

“Oh my!” Gaetano cried, excited. “A Last Will & Testament would have a listing of the family residences, with their addresses.”

“Yes, we have to get the will.”

“Let’s do it!” Gaetano looked at Carmine, and they realized the problem at the same moment.

“I just quit my job.” Carmine moaned. “I don’t have access to the files anymore.”

“Don’t you have anything to go back for? Any personal effects?”

“None. I brought them home at lunchtime. I knew I’d be meeting you after work. I went back only to say goodbyes.”

“What if we go back right now and tell them you left something in the file room?”

“The office is closed for the day, and I turned in my key.” Carmine’s chubby face fell into resigned lines. “They wouldn’t believe that anyway. Lawyers never go in the file room. The clerk does the filing.”

“How about first thing tomorrow, we make up some reason why you need to see the client file?”

“What reason would I give?”

Gaetano wracked his brain. “Maybe say you’d like to use the will as a form? For when you draft wills in your own practice?”

“They’re angry that I left. They’re not going to help me.” Carmine shook his head. “They’re not going to show me forms. They’re worried I’d poach clients.”

Gaetano knew he was right. “Where’s the file room?”

“On the second floor.”

“Can we get in without them knowing?”

Carmine smiled. “The clerk always forgets to lock the back door.”

Gaetano winked. “We can only pray.”

At midnight, Gaetano turned thecorner around the back of Carmine’s old law firm. There was a narrow cobblestone alley where garbage was stored, and he hurried ahead in the darkness, spotting Carmine coming from the other direction. The two men met in front of the rear entrance, a black door.

Gaetano clasped Carmine’s arm. “Carmine, thank you for doing this.”

“Of course. Pray God the door is unlocked.”

Gaetano’s heart began to pound as Carmine turned the knob. It made an unsatisfyingclick, and the door didn’t budge.

“Oh no.” Carmine grimaced. “He locked it.”

“Are you sure?” Gaetano pushed on the door, but it stayed shut. “What bad luck.”

“I say we try again tomorrow night, same time. One of these nights, he’ll leave it unlocked. He always does.”

“We can’t wait. Every day we delay, the boys are in danger.” Gaetano looked up at the building. There were three sets of windows, one on each floor. The sill of the lowest window was only slightly higher than he was tall. “If I stand on your shoulders, I can get in the first window.”

Carmine recoiled. “You mean, break in?”

“I’m notbreaking in. I’m going in through a window.”

Carmine snorted. “It’s unlawful.”

“It’s necessary. Think of what’s at stake.” Gaetano looked around. “No one’s here. We won’t get caught.”
