Page 61 of Angel's Enemy Omega

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“You took me so deep.”

“I wanted your seed there,” Nur rasps.

Arsene’s seed won’t take root in his body—at least not this time. But his gift burns like a bonfire in that secret place.

Arsene slumps into him. His weight presses Nur into the ground comfortingly, the sand molding into a cradle underneath him.

“I’ll give it to you any time you want it. I’ll give you anything,” he says, lifting his head. “Anything.”

“That’s the thrall talking,” Nur mumbles. He urges Arsene’s head back down to his shoulder. “And my heat.”

“Isn’t,” Arsene mutters, but he falls silent, his face squashed into Nur’s collar.

Sleep takes his mate, his breathing evening out and his wings slowly folding against his back. The feathers tickle Nur’s cheek. They’re softer than the finest down, like the flickering tip of a candle flame. Nur strokes the edge of one carefully with his claws. It feels impossible that he’s allowed to touch them. But with Arsene’s seed heating his belly, his old bitter voice has been silenced in favor of his vergis.You’re the only one who’s allowed to touch them, says his vergis. Nur likes that.

He twitches stray feathers back into place and smoothes their glossy arches, unable to resist their softness. Arsene stirs and mumbles something incoherent and Nur freezes, but he doesn’t wake. His wing stretches to give Nur better access. Nur’s smugness knows no bounds.

After that,the heat seems to break. The fucking is good, but he’s tender and sore—not in a good way—and when Arsene is too rough he hisses with discomfort.

Arsene stops immediately, alarm flaring through their bond. “Did I hurt you?”

“Nothing like that.” His voice is hoarse from crying out. “I’ve been on your cock for nearly three days straight. It’s a natural consequence.”

Arsene pulls out—slowly, but it still makes him wince. “Youarehurting.”

Nur growls and reaches back for Arsene, but the angel moves away.

“I still want to come.” It comes out on a whine.

Arsene chuckles. “Don’t worry—you will.”

He tilts Nur’s hips up. The first touch of his soft tongue is bliss, and Nur sighs with relief. Arsene licks him open until hislegs are shaking and he’s come close to the edge so many times that when he finally comes it’s like floating. His legs give way and he collapses to the bedroll with a sigh.

Arsene growls with satisfaction. Slick noises alert Nur to Arsene stroking himself, and he rolls over. “Up here.”

In his heat-glazed state Arsene’s primus come is deliciously heady, satisfying the most primal part of him. Arsene straddles his ribs with powerful thighs and strokes his blood-heavy cock into Nur’s open mouth. Precome drips onto his tongue and Arsene’s cock taps his lips. Arsene stares down at him with half-lidded eyes.

“So perfect.”

Nur lets his hands wander from Arsene’s well-muscled hips to his ass, relishing the way it gives under his fingertips. He nudges the cheeks apart and strokes Arsene’s crease with his knuckles and the angel shudders. Slowly, Nur rubs his hole, watching Arsene’s face. Arsene’s cock jerks against his tongue.

It’s not like his hole—it’s warm and soft, but Arsene doesn’t have any slick. But it’s delightfully erotic to imagine working his fingers inside. Making Arsene’s eyes widen with surprised pleasure.

He rubs it again, more firmly, and it twitches under his fingers. With a snarl, Arsene thrusts against his tongue and fills Nur’s mouth with thick spurts of come. Nur swallows each pulse greedily, wrapping his lips around Arsene’s shaft. The angel groans and his eyes flutter shut.

When his softening cock falls from Nur’s lips he smirks. “Maybe I could fit in there. Use my slick to open you up.”

Arsene plants his hands on either side of Nur’s head and kisses him, delving inside roughly without so much as aplease.Their flavors mingle. Nur twines his fingers into Arsene’s silky hair and returns the kiss with equal fervor.

Finally Arsene breaks them apart.

“I’ll let you do anything you want. You’re my mate.”

Nur searches his eyes. The bond is full and bright and overpowering—a brilliant starburst surrounding them in the aether. Arsene’s words ring true. Terrifyingly true.

“Alright,” he says at last, and Arsene’s relief floods them both.

“You are. I’ll take care of you now. Protect you.”
