Page 41 of Craving The Chase

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“Sounds great.” He grins.

Leaving him to explore the rest of my apartment, I grab the Chinese food I ordered out of the refrigerator and heat it up. Grabbing a couple of beers, I set them on the table with the food. My living space is an open plan, including the living room, kitchen, and dining area, which means I don’t lose sight of him as I set everything out for us.

He walks over and takes a seat across from me.

“Mmm, looks good. I’m starving.” Rubbing his hands together before he digs in. He’s not kidding that he’s hungry with how he shovels the food into his mouth.

Ignoring my own plate of food, I’m again captivated by Chase. Everything he does enthralls me. I notice he takes, on average, three to four chews per bite of food. He licks his lower lip after each swallow in one long swipe from corner to corner of his mouth. He also rapidly blinks as he places each bite of food into his mouth and closes his eyes for about two seconds before chewing, using that time to enjoy the flavor that hits his tongue. On every second mouthful, a little groan of appreciation leaves his lips, which I take as a compliment that my feeding him provides such pleasure. As if finally remembering that I’m here, he looks up mid-bite and quirks an eyebrow.


“I enjoy watching you eat.”

A deep laugh, another new sound from him that I file away, leaves his happy face.

“You’re so fucking odd, Noah.”

I shrug because, to him and most people, I probably am. I don’t give a shit.

“If I’m odd, what does that make you, considering you like me so much?”

He sits back in his chair, contemplating the question as he twirls his fork around the small amount of rice left on his plate.

“Crazy? Mentally unstable? Brainwashed? Take your pick.”

“Is that what you think, that you’re brainwashed?”

“Come on, Noah. You know what you’re doing. And you’re good at it. But I’ve known this all along and still allowed it, so yeah. Brainwashed sounds about right. I don’t think you realize how much you have fucked up my life, Noah. Yet I’m willing to fall with you. And that makes me as crazy as shit.”

“Enhancing your life is not fucking it up.”

“It is when you kill and hurt people in my name when I never asked for it.”

“True. Yet here you are, in my home, so unafraid, so willing to bend to my will. I think you’d even let me lock you in this apartment for my own personal use.”

“Is that what you want to do?” he asks. The tremble in his voice is obvious—a mixture of hesitancy and excitement.

“I’ve considered it. I like you here.”

A deep blush covers his cheeks and neck. I smile to myself. He may be stubborn, but he gets off on this shit. That’s the part that scares him. Not me. He’s scared to lose control and allow himself to enjoy it. But I’ll break him in and have fun doing it.

“Can I use your bathroom?”

“Everything here is yours to use, baby. You don’t even need to ask. It’s the last door on the left of the corridor.” As he goes off, I appreciate that beautiful ass that teases me with each step—definitely getting in that tonight. A cramp and growl in my stomach sharply reminds me that I need to eat. I dive in, not tasting anything, just filling my stomach enough until the hunger stops.

It gives me the energy to provide Chase with whatever he needs.



Leaning over the sink in another beautiful room in Noah’s home, I splash my face with cold water. I don’t know if I’ll ever get used to his intensity and his brutal fucking honesty. What kind of person admits that they want to lock you up in their home? It's so easy to blame this all on him. But I have to ask myself, what kind of person am I that the very idea of it is arousing beyond belief.

I take a few moments to get myself together, before I go back out there to join him. I knew his apartment would be impressive, but it's way more than that. I was expecting a penthouse of some kind, so I’m pleasantly surprised that it's just a large apartment. But still. It screams bachelor. The black leather, the white and chrome fittings. It screams of Noah, all dark and brooding. I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if he had a hidden sex room.

I find him in the kitchen, clearing away the dishes. It's so strange to see him domesticated like this.

Sensing me in the room, he turns to face me with a broad smile. So fucking charming. He really knows how to orchestrate what he wants from me. I’m not suggesting he is lying when he shows joy like this around me, but I know it isn’t real. Noah willalways feel an obsession and craving for me, like an item he can’t stop playing with. I’m not naive enough to ever think this would be love. I doubt he has any comprehension of what that is. But this is more than that. It's an indefinable level that supersedes love. The drive and addiction erases all boundaries, and that lack of boundaries makes sure he keeps me. It’s so much more dangerous. It has the ability to destroy others around us if they even slightly get in the way, and there is nothing I can do to reign that in. It's who he is.
