Page 43 of Craving The Chase

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You’d think this was an argument about who gets to use the TV remote with how unfazed he is.But you know that's not true, Chase. I know without a doubt he’s gonna kill his dad. And I’m not even a little mad.



It’s amusing how my father and I are grappling over a trust fund that is of no interest to me. I’m only doing this because it vexes him and causes him stress. I’d worked out his game that night in his office, and I’m disappointed it was so simple.

What isn’t amusing to me is the gun he has pointed at Chase. Now,thatis an issue. I’m bouncing to jump on him and beat him to death with my fists, but it’s two to one with Linc, and I don’t have a weapon on me. But I take satisfaction in knowing his fate is sealed, and I’m excited to get started. Linc will pay too; he put his hands on my man. Nobody touches what’s mine. Chase is still on the floor looking terrified, and as much as it angers me that they are the cause of it, he looks so fucking delicious with that scared look in his eyes. My dick stirs with interest. I need to reclaim him again after another man has touched him.

“We’ll do it,” I say. A plan has already been formulated in my mind.

“Do what?” my father spits out. He really needs to learn to be patient.

“I’ll get Chase myself to sign off that I’m not mentally capable enough to receive the money. After that, I want nothing to do with you. No calls. No favors. We don’t fucking exist in each other’s lives anymore. Deal?” I say, pitching my tone to be as convincing as I can.

“Just like that?” he says, seeming unconvinced.

“Yep. I don’t give a shit about the money. I just want you gone.” I shrug and it's partly true.

My father looks over at Linc, who nods as if he’s the one in control. My dad holsters his gun, and stands in front of me.

“You’d better not be playing, otherwise I will kill him. I want you to bring confirmation to my house by one pm Monday with a copy of the letter sent to the lawyer.”

“Fine,” I say. “Now fuck off, it’s date night.”

Shaking his head, they both turn to leave and I lock the door behind them. Chase stands and I pull him into my arms.

“You okay, baby?” I ask, rubbing his back gently and he scoffs, tilting his head back to look at me.

“A little winded but I’m fine. Please tell me you didn’t mean that deal you just made?” he asks, a small crease in between his eyebrows making him all cute and shit.

“Of course I didn’t. I’d never make a deal with that fucker.”

“I may regret asking, but what is your plan?”

A wide smile takes over my face, and he buries his head into my chest and groans in frustration.

“Forget it. I don’t want to know. I’ll live in the world of denial.”

“No more thinking about them. I want you, baby.” I pull his head up off my chest by his hair, making his face wince in pain. I know his stomach probably aches, but I need him.

“Get naked, Chase,” I say. The order is non-negotiable.

It's dark outside, and the living room is only lit by the floor lamp and the lights flooding the buildings surrounding us. Ithink it's time to push Chase a little more out of his comfort zone.

I sit on the couch and watch, paying attention to every little detail as he removes each item of clothing. His shirt falls to the floor first, then he moves his hands to unbutton his pants. I notice that his hands are shaking. The adrenaline from earlier with my father must be dropping, making this all seem magnified.

“Turn around as you take them off,” I say as I pull my T-shirt over my head and remove the travel size lube from my jeans. The lube I was retrieving earlier before being rudely interrupted.

Turning around, he slowly bends over, pulling his pants down along with his underwear, revealing that smooth and ripe ass. I unzip my jeans quickly, needing to grab my dick. I tamper down the groan I can feel building, I want tonight to last. He stands there, back still to me, with his arms resting casually at his sides, waiting for my instruction. He’s so good for me.

“Go stand in front of the window and place both hands on the glass above your head, baby.”

He hesitates, but he still moves. I follow behind him and shake off my jeans along the way, needing skin to skin contact. As I push my front into his back, his body relaxes, letting me take control.

“I’m gonna fuck you right here, Chase. I want everyone to see that you’re mine. That you cum only for me.”

I use the lube to wet my hand and reach around, rubbing his hard cock up and down, twisting and teasing his tip before rubbing it again in my tight fist. He rolls his head back and closes his eyes, whimpering as I touch him.
