Page 47 of Craving The Chase

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“Liam, it's complicated. Can we just sit down and talk?”

Liam gets to his feet and walks to the door.

“No. This is fucked up, Chase. I came over here because I was worried about you. Thinking I’d maybe let you down, not being supportive enough with all the Wade drama. Instead, I find out I don’t know you at all,” Liam says before slamming the door behind him. I don’t even get the chance to see if he’s hurt physically. I’m already aware of the mental hurt I’ve caused. I’m a piece of shit that doesn’t deserve a friend like him.

Noah is still holding me while my life erodes around me. I cling to him like a raft in the ocean as we drift further away from land. Further from everything I know.

“I will never ask you to change, Noah. But I need you to promise me. Liam and Tyler are off-limits. You hurt them, and it will kill me.”

“I can’t promise that.”

“I’m asking you totry. I won’t say anything about anything else. I need the reassurance that you’ll try.”

“I’m not making any promises, but I’ll try. That Liam needs to back off, though.”

“I know. He’s just hurt and confused. I guess I’ve changed, and he’s struggling with that.”

“Why? It's nobody’s business.”

“Because that's what friends and family are like, Noah.”

The grunting response shows me he doesn’t care about what’s happening. But one thing is for certain: he feels some way about me. And somehow, that's all I need.



Monday morning. Today is the day I’ve been waiting for. I finally get to put this shit to rest with my father. After the weekend, Chase didn’t think it was wise for me to continue going to therapy with him after that prick Liam tried to cause trouble. I was hoping to fuck him over his desk, but we’d made a deal with my father for Chase to recommend that I’m not of sound mind to receive my trust fund. He’s expecting the papers in his home office today, and I’m eager to go over to his house to deliver the news.

Chase insisted on driving himself to work this morning. Of course, I’ve followed him and am currently watching him get out of his car. His shoulders are curved today. Normally he has a ramrod straight posture, but today, they’re rounded. His routine has altered too. He didn’t shave after his morning shower, leaving a hint of stubble along his sharp jaw. Apart from his head, hair is sparse on his body, including his face, so it looks different. The darkness under his eyes is around two shades darker than usual.

I watched him sleep last night and he was much more restless than usual, changing his position six times over fourhours which is a significant increase from the two times he normally changes position over a six hour period. It's Liam’s fault. Chase was worried about going to work today and what the repercussions will be. I’ve got him, though. He really needs to stop overthinking things. I’m here now and can navigate it for him. We can do anything and go anywhere together, which is becoming a real possibility. Staying around here will only drag him down more and put doubts in his head.

As I’m about to leave, I see Wade approaching the entrance of Chase’s work. He doesn’t go inside, just hovers outside on the sidewalk, pacing up and down the front of the building, contemplating whether he should go in. I really hoped Wade would keep away, but he struggles to take a hint.

My phone buzzes, a message from Chase.


Are you outside?

I love that he can sense me being close by.


Yes. You like that?


I shouldn't, but being close makes me feel calmer. I don’t want to be here…


Come back with me. Fuck ‘em…


I can’t do that.
