Page 7 of Craving The Chase

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As I arrive backat my apartment, I notice my door ajar and see my smug as fuck, soon to be dead father sitting on my couch. I’ve no idea how he got in; he probably made sure to have the owner of this building on the payroll. It doesn’t shock me. I notice out of the corner of my eye that Linc is here with him, my dad's closest friend and business partner. Looking at them both in their suits and dazzling fake-ass smiles, you’d think they’re the standard corporate rich guys. However, I know that Linc is with him as extra muscle. My dad fucks over a lot of people in his business, so he needs that extra "security". Such a fucking pussy.

"Make yourself comfortable. See, you brought your dog, too," I say, referring to Linc, who just scowls at me. My dad glares at me with his ice-cold blue eyes.

"Why the hell are you dressed like that? You look like a runaway from a rock band," he says in disgust. I chuckle as he walks towards me, where I’m standing in front of the door.

"This is me. I couldn't give a shit what you think. What do you want?" I ask. I'm getting antsy now. I don't like to have people around me too much, it causes a stabbing pain in my head, and I prefer the quiet. He stops in front of me.

"Fair enough, straight to the point as ever. Your therapist, Chase Blackford, I need info on his boyfriend, Wade Merchant. He’s becoming a problem, blocking a contract we’re trying to close, and I need you to sort it out."

I blink, looking at him while that information filters through my brain. Now I see why Chase was chosen as my therapist. My dear conniving father, always another angle. "He isn't his boyfriend anymore," I state factly.

My dad looks at me, hoping there is more to this conversation.

"You would know this how?"

Skeptical asshole.

"I heard them fight the other night when I was watching Chase's house." I don't hide anything from my dad. I don't need to, he knows me, and that's why he hates me.

"Stalking? Really?" he mockingly asks.

"Yep, so you’re gonna have to sort this out yourself." I go to push past him, and he stops me by placing his hand on my chest. It makes my body tense in revulsion. I don’t like being touched.

"You need to remember who makes the fucking rules here,boy. I need this Wade handled, and you have an in that I don't. You fix this, and I won't bother you again."

My blood is boiling. Not only is he touching me, he seems to think I’m under his control. So dumb. I grab his wrist and twist it, using the full force of my large body to body-check him into the wall. I grab my knife from my hip, where it’s taped, and hold it to his throat, pressing hard. Linc comes up behind me, pointing what I suspect is a gun to the back of my head. He won't do it, though. I’m too valuable. I mean, who else would do the dirty clean up for them?

As blood starts to drip from his neck, my voice rumbles in warning. "Now listen here, old man, I don’t give a shit what you think you can or can't control when it comes to me, but I’m not getting involved. Do you want to take me on? Go ahead and try. But believe me. I will tear you apart, along with Mom and every other fucker under your rule, and burn you all down. I won’t lose a millisecond of sleep over it, either. You overstepped, thinking you could intimidate me. Now are we clear, or should I slit your throat?" I spittle into his face.

His eyes flash briefly, pupils dilating, and there’s a sharp intake of breath. It's the kind of fear that gives me immensesatisfaction. When is this fucker going to realize I don't give a shit? He nods, it's barely noticeable, but it's there.

"Stop trying to play the hero, Linc. We both know you’d never do it," I state, backing away from my dad and turning toward Linc, where his gun is now in my face.

"Come on then, big guy, do it." I smile at him.

"You’re fucking crazy," he mutters as he holsters his gun away, stepping away from me to stand next to my father.

I take a good look at them both as they stand together. I’m ashamed to be related to that dried-up piece of shit. They’re all talk and no action.

"Get the fuck out." I keep my voice neutral.

When they go to turn, my dad now decides he has balls.

"Remember, Noah, I have no issue ending you either. I'd watch your back, boy."

I can't help the loud laugh that comes from me.

"Sure, Daddy, but I’d see you before you’d ever see me." Turning my back to them, I walk away to my bedroom and put an end to this day, impatient to get back to having my eyes on Chase.



Noah is late for his session, and it's making me fidget for reasons I can't fathom. I haven't been able to eat or focus on anything else because of our meeting today, and him being late is making my anxiety spike. I'm disappointed at the thought of him bailing. I'm excited at the thought of him turning up, but I'm worried in case something has happened.

Fuck, how the hell did this get so damn complicated? I check the clock again. He’s ten minutes late. Usually, when someone bails out, I give them thirty minutes and just move on, but the thought of that irks me. I need to see him again. The brief encounters we’ve had weren't enough. Something about him calls to me, and I want to delve into his mind and work out what is lurking there in the darkness that shrouds him. That's the therapist in me. The other part of me just wants him to pound into me and break me for anyone else. Christ, maybe I need a therapist myself. Wade has obviously damaged me more than I thought.

I hear the click of the door handle, and I’m immediately on alert, watching the doorknob twist and then open. The anticipation is so strong it's like it’s all happening in slowmotion. My breath falters as Noah strides in, looking as sexy and intimidating as ever. I can’t move from my chair, his eyes catch on mine, and they don't waver. I don't feel like this is real life. He’s moving towards me, and I've still yet to talk. It’s like I’m slowly drowning with the increasing pressure in my lungs. My body temperature is hotter than usual, with a slight warmth hitting my cheeks and neck. The effect he has on me is like no other. If this is what it’s like just from being in a room with him, what would it be like to be with him intimately, letting him use me as he pleases? It’s something that has always been missing from my sex life, being able to fully give myself over to another. For me to surrender all control. I’ve never quite felt safe enough with a partner to request it for fear of humiliation, or maybe it’s because they weren’t the right person for me. I’ve managed to temper the desire for most of my adult life, but Noah has stirred that part of me to the surface. Maybe I was waiting for the right kind of dominant guy to come along.
