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“It’s okay,” he said, voice strained and thick. “We’re fine in the main house.”

Welp, time to call a taxi.

“Um, you know what, I’m actually not feeling all that—”

“I think we’re going to go straight upstairs and freshen up a bit before we say hi to everyone else,” Adrien interrupted, shooting me a look.

I glowered at him.

Julie looked between her son and I, the tension making her smile waver. “Yes, sure, of course. Take your time. I’ll just let the others know you’re here. Dinner will be ready at seven if you’re feeling up for it by then.”

Adrien offered her a smile. “I’m sure we’ll be down before then.”

She glanced between us one more time. “Okay. All right, let’s go. I’ll show you which room is yours.”

We grabbed our bags (I snatched mine up beforeAddy dearestcould even think about reaching for them) and were led through the massive foyer of the house, up the stairs, and down a lavishly decorated hallway. I’d have been a lot more appreciative of my surroundings if I wasn’t seething.

“No,” I snapped the millisecond the door was closed.

Adrien pressed a finger to his lips, his eyes darting to the door behind me.

I didn’t give a fuck if his mother was still outside.

“No, Adrien. We had a deal. You said—” Adrien grabbed my arm before I could finish my sentence, cutting me off. “What the hell are you doing? Let me go!”

He did no such thing, not until we were both packed inside a small linen closet. Emphasis on the wordsmall. We barely fit in the thing without our bodies pressed right up against each other. I could literally feel the heat radiating off him.

He sighed. “Okay. I know this isn’t what we talked about but—”


“Just listen.”



“No!” How many fucking times did I need to repeat myself?

Adrien huffed a frustrated breath through his nose as he ruffled his hair. Then he stripped out of his jacket and threw it on the floor. I didn’t blame him. It was blistering hot in here already.

Except the space was so tight that the movement made a whole lot of his body press against a whole lot of mine. And since he was a freaking radiator, it meant that I now felt like I was on fire.

“I’m sorry,” he eventually said.

And I was so taken aback by it that my jaw went a little slack.

“I really didn’t see the roof thing coming,” he continued. “But I can fix it. We can probably put in an emergency patch or something within the next few days. In the meantime, you can take the bed, I’ll sleep on the floor.”

The proximity of our bodies was making it kind of hard to think. I really despised how good he smelled. “Not good enough,” I countered.

He sighed again before closing his eyes, and then his lips were moving like he was arguing with himself.

Not that I was staring at his mouth.

His throat bobbed, and when he forced his eyes open again, they were set with stubborn determination. “I’ll sleep in the bathtub and close the bathroom door. That way you have the whole room to yourself at night.”

