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Oh my god. How was he not getting this? “Adrien. Stop for a second and justthinkabout what it would be like if you and I were forced to share a room for just one day. Just one.”

His pupils were so dilated that I could barely see the ring of green surrounding them. They were mostly just black.

“Look at us. Right now,” I said. “This isn’t going to work. Even if I agreed, there is no way in hell we’re going to be able to pull this off. They’ll never believe us.”

All I needed to do was hold up a mirror in front of him. His eyes were dark and savage, his muscular arms flexed with tension, his cheeks flushed, his jaw strained and… shaved to smooth perfection. He smelled like, um, aftershave and soap and cedar and… a light, spicy cologne that made my fingers want to curl. With anger, probably.

His throat was bobbing now… and his lips weren’t pressed together anymore. They were parted and a little red. From all the rage he probably felt and… we hated each other, so… this was…



“You’re staring again.”

I blinked a few times, pulling myself out of… whatever the fuck that was. Lack of oxygen, probably. This space was too small for one person, let alone one person and a giant fireman.

Not, like, an actual fireman. That wouldn’t make any sense. I meant he was a man on fire. Because of the heat he was radiating, and—

Fuck’s sake, Ria. Shhh.

God, it was so hard to think properly in here. The heat was melting my brain.

Adrien's expression had relaxed slightly, his eyes shimmering with an amused… something. I couldn’t quite decipher the second emotion.

“I wasn’t staring. I wasobserving,” I clarified.

The corner of his mouth slanted into a smug, dimpled smile that made my stomach flip. Again, with anger. Probably.

“It’s okay,” he said. “It’s not your fault. I’ve been told I have really great lips and excellent dimples.”

“You’ve been straight up lied to. Your lips are mediocre at best, and your dimples are hella lopsided and ridiculous-looking. Now let me out so I can call a cab.”

Adrien’s mediocre lips continued their amused curvature. “That was a lie. And I don’t think we’ll have any problems convincing my family that we’re a thing if you keep looking at me like that.”

I could feel the color start to blot my skin, but I refused to cower. “I’m looking at you like I wanna murder you. Because I wanna murder you. All day, every day.”

His lopsided dimples popped. “Sure, Sanchez. Let’s pretend like that’s what it is.”

I held his gaze. “I’m not doing this with you, Adrien. Not if we have to share a room.”

He didn’t miss a single beat. “I’ll double your sister’s maternity compensation if you stay.”

Jesus Christ. “You’ve lost your fucking mind.”

“So you’ll do it.”

I meant to say no, I really did. But nothing came out when I opened my mouth. It was just… he’d doubleher compensation?Double?

I knew she could use it, that was what made me pause. With twins on the way… the mortgage, daycare when she went back to work…

“We’re going to murder each other,” I promised him. “I’m not kidding. It’s going to be a bloodbath.”

“It doesn’t matter. Just as long as you can keep up the act in front of my family,” he insisted. “You can draw as much blood behind closed doors as you want.”

What the hell had gotten into him? Was this really just about the blind dates?
