Page 30 of Living For You

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“No one will ever be Willow. The perfect thing about Tori is that she understands that.”

“Yeah, she understands it because Willow was her best friend. It feels wrong for us to be together. It’s like we’re betraying her. If I end up with someone that I knew when Willow was alive, it’s like…” I let my voice trail off because I didn’t know how to put it into words. Honestly, I didn’t know exactly what I was trying to put into words.

“You feel like it looks like you were always harboring a flame for Tori.”

“Exactly!” How did Lisa know my thoughts better than me?

“Well, were you?”

“Of course not. This just started over the past year, pretty much since she moved in with me.”

“See. I obviously knew that, by the way. I asked to prove a point.”

I opened my mouth to say something, but stopped at the sound of the front door opening. Tori walked into the kitchen holding two coffees, her eyes going wide when she saw Lisa. “Lisa, hey! I didn’t know you were coming over. What were you two talking about?”


I glared at my best friend and clenched my teeth together. “Thanks, Lisa.”

Lisa shrugged as if it was no big deal. “What? If you two are going to get into a relationship, you can’t start it out with lies.”

“You told her we were getting into a relationship?” Tori’s face scrunched up as if she was either concerned or disgusted (or maybe both).

“I didn’t. I told her what happened last night, because I was super confused about it.”

“You do know that you could talk to me about it, right?” Tori looked from me over to Lisa. “Not that I care that she told you. Don’t worry.”

“I’m not.” Lisa jumped out of her seat and flashed both me and Tori a big toothy grin. “It appears you two have a lot to talk about. I’m going to let you get to that.”

Before I could say anything else, Lisa slipped out of the kitchen. A few seconds later, I heard the front door open and close.

Tori held one of the coffees out toward me. “And then there were two.”

“I’m really sorry about that. I wasn’t trying to go behind your back by talking to Lisa. I just woke up and you were gone, and I started freaking out, so I called her.

Tori chuckled. “I completely understand. You’re not going to believe this, but when I left the house today, I instinctively grabbed my phone to call Willow.” She put her hand on her head and shook it. “It’s such a mess. I wanted to call my dead best friend to tell her how guilty I felt about kissing said best friend’s wife. And, of course, to ask what the hell I’m supposed to do now since I can’t stop thinking about that kiss.”

My heart beat picked up. “Y-you can’t?”

“Of course not. It was the best kiss of my whole damn life. And I’m not just saying that because I was drunk.”

A thought popped into my mind. “What if it was though? What if we’re blowing up the kiss in our minds because we were drunk? Who knows. Maybe sober it would actually suck.” Doubt it.

“Are you saying what I think you’re saying?” Tori bit her bottom lip, and it appeared as though she was trying not to smile, but her lips still curved into the cutest smirk.

“Maybe we should kiss one more time just to make sure. If it sucks, then we know we’re not missing out on anything.” All of this was bullshit, of course. Tori’s glistening lips were so appetizing, even looking at them had me turned on.

Tori took two steps to close the little bit of space between us and put her hand on my hip. “And what happens when it doesn’t suck?” Tori licked her lips and looked deep into my eyes, and I honestly thought I might pass out. “What happens when it’s even better than we remembered?”

I shrugged, because I had no idea. All I knew was that I had to taste those lips one more time. It wasn’t a want. It was a need. “I guess we’ll have to face that when the time comes. For now, all I want is—”

“This?” Tori pulled my body tight up against hers and brought her lips onto mine, fireworks erupting throughout my body as soon as they met.

This wasn’t like last night’s kiss. It was so much better. Our mouths immediately found a rhythm, as if they had been doing this for years. As our tongues brushed against each other, I put my hands on Tori’s hips. The deeper our kiss became, the more I wanted to run my hands underneath her shirt and feel that smooth skin. I wanted so much more than just this kiss, which was exactly why I needed to stop.

I reluctantly removed my mouth from Tori’s and took a step away from her. I brought my fingers to my trembling lips and could still feel Tori’s there. All I wanted to do was close the space between us and kiss her again. I wanted to forget every reason why this was a bad idea, but I couldn’t. Willow was the reason this couldn’t happen. Her name flitted through my mind, and I could see her face right in front of me. My stomach ached. What the hell did I just do? Why don’t I want to stop? God, Willow, I’m so sorry. “I’m so sorry,” I repeated out loud

“Huh?” Tori tilted her head and furrowed her eyebrows.
