Page 45 of Living For You

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“I can’t remember the last time I felt more sure of anything.”

“Your room or mine?”

“Yours.” I had no question that I was ready for this, but having our first time in a room I shared with Willow didn’t sit right with me.

Tori nodded as if she understood completely. And I was sure she did. That’s why I was so happy to be doing this with her rather than anyone else. I was glad I had waited for this moment.

Tori led me up the stairs and into her room. We sat on the edge of her bed, and she put her hand on my cheek and kissed me softly. It was the first kiss we had shared like this, and it was by far the best.

Clearly, neither one of us was in a hurry because we stayed like this for a long time. I savored the way it felt to finally have her lips against mine like this. I took in every sweep of Tori’s tongue and every little noise she made.

After a few minutes, Tori pulled back to look at me, and it was the most beautiful she had ever looked. Her lips were swollen, her eyes laser-focused, and her hair the slightest bit tousled even though I hadn’t touched it yet. God, I wanted to touch it. I wanted to run my hands through her hair before I touched every other part of her body. I thought touching someone else would scare me, but right now, all I felt was desire.

“Should we lay down?” Tori asked.

I nodded, but thought better of it a second later. “Wait. First…” I brought my hand to the bottom of her shirt. “May I?”

Tori took in a long, shaky breath. “Yes, please.”

My hands shook as I pulled the shirt over her head, but I didn’t let that stop me. I wasn’t sure of much at the moment, but I was sure I needed this. It wasn’t the first time I had seen Tori’s body, but given the heat of the moment, it felt like I was seeing it all for the very first time. I ran my fingers across her stomach, up her sides, and over her chest. I wanted to map out every part of her body so I would never forget it.

As my hands dipped closer to Tori’s bra, she let out an almost inaudible gasp, then quickly moved her hands to her back. “Here.” She unclasped her bra and let it drop off her.

For a minute, all I could do was stare. Then my hands started to tingle, so I brought them where they wanted to be. Tori’s head flew back as I took her breasts in my hands. She was so vocal when I touched her that all I wanted to do was elicit more sounds from her. I took her nipples between my fingers and smiled when she let out a long moan.

“Rosemary… I… your shirt… off.”

I removed my hands from her body just long enough to lift my own shirt over my head. I was ready for so much more, so I immediately removed my bra as well. The look of desire Tori gave me as she took in my body sent a shockwave straight to my core.

When Tori finally touched me, I felt it everywhere. Her fingers were delicate as they ran across my body, as if she was afraid she might hurt me.

When her hands landed on my breasts, I forgot how to breathe. I wanted those hands everywhere. But, much too quickly, she removed them, causing me to groan in frustration. Tori laughed lightly, but her laughter died off when she leaned forward and swirled her tongue over my nipple. I held her against me and she sucked it into her mouth. I threw my head back as I screamed out in pleasure. It had been so long since I let someone do this to me that I had forgotten how good it felt.

After a moment, Tori pulled away from me, but only so she could move her mouth to my other breast. The more she licked and tugged at my nipple, the more wet I could feel myself becoming. If she kept doing this, I was going to come before she was able to touch me anywhere else, and I needed that touch.

“Tori,” I said between loud gasping breaths. “Clothes off, now.”

I wish I could say the process of removing the rest of our clothes was smooth and sensual, but we were both past the point of no return, so it was far from it. I flopped like a fish out of water as I tried to get my shorts and underwear off as quickly as possible, but I was relieved when I looked at Tori and found she was having the same struggle.

Once we were both undressed, we crawled higher onto the bed and lay on our sides, our mouths finding each other immediately as if they were magnets forced together. I wasn’t sure when it happened, but at some point Tori maneuvered her body so she was on top of me. Her body flush against mine caused a moan to escape from my mouth into Tori’s. That moan must have spurred her on, because she immediately brought her hand down in between us and ran her fingers through my folds.

My hips instinctively raised to push against her hand, and I could feel the tension building throughout my body. “Tori, I’m not going to last very long.” I was embarrassed to admit it since I was sure Tori had a lot more sexual endurance than me after the way the past three years had gone for each of us.

“Me either.” Tori took my hand and guided it down to her center, which I was surprised to find was very wet. “Let’s go together.”

I touched Tori in a way I never thought I would touch another person again. I touched her without fear or reservations. I moved my fingers inside of her without thinking about what this all meant. When her fingers went inside me as well, my body began to spasm. I moved my fingers in and out as she did the same, and soon I was coming so hard that I actually saw stars. Tori groaned as her body stiffened on top of mine, then after a few seconds she rolled off me.

For a few minutes, we both lay staring up at the ceiling, not saying a word until Tori rolled onto her side and looked deep into my eyes, the care in her expression taking my breath away.

“Was that okay? Are you okay?” she asked, running her hand through my hair as she waited for my answer.

“It was great. Perfect, actually.” As soon as I said the word perfect reality hit me, and I came crashing back down to earth. I put my hand over my mouth. “Oh, no. It was perfect.”

Tori grabbed my hand and squeezed it tightly. “Are you okay?”

“I don’t know. I’m honestly not sure.” I tried to catch my breath, but couldn’t. It felt like the walls were closing in around me, and I was running out of air.

“Hey, it’s okay. Just breathe. In and out. You can do it.”
