Page 22 of Never Tear Us Apart

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The way she says it makes my fingers itch but I keep my cool and stay focused. “I’d say it isn’t polite to spread lies.”

“Oh, it’s not a lie,” she says with a devious smile. “In fact, from what my brother tells me, little sis got you back for all that cock blocking you did to her high school by having her fair share of dick the past two years. And, considering I just saw her head upstairs with a couple of guys from the football team, I’d say it’s true.”

I turn and make a beeline for the stairs, not giving two shits about how it looks to that bitch Miriam or anyone else. I swear to fuck, if I find Ellery doing anything, with anyone I am going to lose my shit.

Climbing two at a time, I make it to the second floor, and fly down the hall, throwing open every unlocked door. Each room is empty, except for a couple making out on Marcus’ bed.

Slamming his door closed, I step out into the hall, wondering where the hell she could be, when I zero in on the closed bathroom door at the end of the hall. Closing the distance in a couple of strides, I reach for the doorknob and give it a jiggle.

“This room’s taken,” Royce calls from the other side. It doesn’t take a genius to know who he might be in there with, which sends my pulse racing.

Stepping back, I lift my leg and kick the door. It flies open and hits the tub, as Royce spins around, with an angry look on his face. “What the fuck, man?”

Seeing Ellery between him and the sink makes me see red. “What’s going on here?”

“Ellery and I are having a little chat. So if you wouldn’t mind…”

He looks from me to the door and I cross my arms and stare him down. “Not anymore. Get out.”

Ellery steps around Royce and glares at me. “Who died and made you, boss?”

I point at the door, needing her to see I’m not kidding. “I mean it, Ellery. The two of you get out…now.”

“Or what?” she fires back. “You’ll throw me out?”

My lip hitches at the idea of hoisting her over my shoulder and carrying her out of this house. “Don’t tempt me.”

“I don’t know what’s going on,” Royce looks from Ellery to me, “but your sister and I are kind of busy at the moment.”

He flicks his eyes to the door, indicating for me to leave, and I don’t know who this arrogant fucker thinks he is. He didn’t know his place in high school, and clearly, still doesn’t, so it looks like I am going to have to remind him.

“I’m going to say this one more time, Royce. It’s time for you to leave.”

Royce looks at Ellery then me, shaking his head. “I can’t believe you two arestilldoing this. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a sibling rivalry last so long.”

“It’s not a rivalry,” I reply tightly.

“And he’s not my brother,” she adds, just as crisply.

“Well, whatever it is,” he stares at me as if he thinks it will make me change my mind, “your sister can make her own decisions. So, Ellery, your choice, do you want me to stay or go?”

She shifts nervously under the weight of our collective stares and when she doesn’t say anything, Royce blows out a frustrated breath and holds up his hands. “Fine. Come find me when you’re done, and we’ll pick this up where we left off.”

Heat creeps up my neck and I want to scream at Royce that he will pick nothing up with her, ever. But instead, I bite my tongue and wait for him to leave. He shouldn’t be here when I say what I’m about to.

Chapter 6


Once Royce is gone, Cruz kicks the door closed with his foot, and eats up the space between us. “What the hell was that?”

I grab the counter behind me with both hands and lean back slightly to give myself room to breathe. “What the hell was what?”

“You and Royce!” He bites out angrily. “What were you doing in here with him?”

“Not that it’s any of your business,” I fire back, “but we were having a conversation thatyouinterrupted!”

“Don’t think he was in here just to talk, Ellery.”
