Page 30 of Never Tear Us Apart

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He waggles his brows and I press my forearm into his neck and push his head up, pulling the skin taut. “Stay the hell away from her, Cal.”

“Dude,” his eyes search mine, “isn’t that why we’re here? To get laid and—”

Before I know what I’m doing, I pull my arm back and strike the wall just shy of his head.

“What the fuck!” Jake and Marcus shout in unison when they hear my fist connect with the drywall.

“Leave her alone,” I grit out as Marcus runs over and pulls me off Cal. “I mean it.”

“Or what?” Cal rubs his neck, as Marcus wraps an arm around my upper chest to restrain me. “She’s not even your sister. Why do you care who she fucks?”

“Can you move it?” Jake asks urgently, ignoring Cal while reaching for my hand.

I flick my eyes in his direction, confused by the question. “What?”

“Your hand. Can you move it?”

It takes a moment for his question to register, but when I follow his gaze to my hand and see broken skin on a couple ofknuckles, it hits me what I’ve just done.

I threw a punch at my friend with my pitching arm. I broke a vow among brothers, and a promise to Coach—walk away. Always walk away. No fight is worth your career.

“Wiggle them,” Jake commands. I do as he asks, and when pain shoots down to my elbow, I suck in a breath through my teeth. “God damn it, Cabron.”

Jake dashes into the kitchen, holding his hand under the ice maker in the door of the fridge, and when he has a handful of ice cubes, runs over and drops them into the towel on the counter.

“Sit down, now,” he orders, while going back to the fridge to do it again.

There’s a reason Jake’s our captain. He’s calm under pressure and can diffuse a situation in a snap. He also knows how to treat any injury, from ankle to shoulder.

“You good?” Marcus asks.

I nod once and he pats my chest with the arm holding me back, then drops it and guides me over to the couch.

Jake rushes over and tells me to stick my hand out and places the ice on top of it. “Fuck man, why did you do that?”

I want to tell Jake the truth about Ellery. That way I admit why the idea of Cal fucking her threw me into a rage. But I can’t. Not right now.

Thankfully, Cal’s mouth stops me from having to say anything. “Sure,” he rolls his eyes, “worry about his hand and forget all about the fact he almost choked your friend to death.”

“Almost,” I shoot back, the anger in my voice undeniable. “But we can change that if you want.”

“Come on.” He shakes his head. “Lighten up.”

“Cal…” Jake scrubs his free hand down his face, while holding the ice with the other. “Could you please just stop. This is serious.”

“Why?” He pushes up from the wall. “It’s not my problemthat Golden Boy can’t control his temper.”

“Well, if that isn’t pot calling the kettle black,” I quip.

“Don’t see me punching any walls, do you?”

“You’re lucky it was the wall.”

“Oh, so that was intentional. And here I thought it was your piss poor aim.”

I start to push up from the couch, ready to knock his fucking teeth in, when Jake grabs my shoulder and forces me to sit back down. “Ignore him. How’s the hand?”

Jake pulls the ice off and I wiggle my fingers. The swelling doesn’t look too bad. “It’s fine.”
