Page 14 of Our Pucking Way

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But most of all, I wanted all of their attention.

I strode into the living room, the sharp click of my stilettos announcing my arrival.

Carter, Jack, and Sebastian turned in unison, their gazes locking onto me like heat-seeking missiles.

Carter’s jaw clenched noticeably, as if all his protective impulses had just gone into full red alert. Jack’s eyes smoldered. Sebastian smiled faintly.

“Kennedy,” Carter said, his voice strained.

“We’re not going to make it into the ring before we end up fighting,” Jack said with a chuckle. “You’re not going to make this easy on us, are you? Having every man stare at you?”

“Consider it a strategic move,” I teased. “I’ll distract Greyson from how much he wants to punish you all.”

Actually, I thought it went deeper than punishment. I was pretty sure Greyson’s rage came from a sense of grief and loss—of our time together, but maybe deep down, he mourned what he had given up when he became the Jackal.

Their collective disapproval made my smile a little wider.

Jack’s phone chimed, and he clearly struggled to tear his eyes away from me to look at the phone. “Greyson’s here.”

“No time to change anyway.” As if I had any intention of doing so. I headed for the door, a sway in my hips that I could feel all of them watching.

When we stepped outside, there was Greyson, leaning against his car, looking sexy as hell.

He straightened from the car and approached with a predator’s grace, his gaze locked onto me as though we were the only two people in existence.

His lips captured mine in a possessive kiss that left no room for doubt about his confidence in claiming them. He was kissing me before I could have the chance to reject him.

“Kennedy,” he breathed against my lips, finally breaking the kiss, his hand lingering at the small of my back. Only then did he offer a cursory nod to the others.

“Blindfolds, gentlemen,” he ordered, and two of his men from the car parked behind came forward with long black blindfolds draped over their palms. The bulge of their handguns were visible when their jackets shifted, but Greyson didn’t need to threaten my men.

They looked irritated, but they picked up the blindfolds.

“Really?” Carter asked, his voice acerbic.

“It’s standard for non-Jackals,” Greyson assured them. “It’s not personal. You just can’t know where we meet yet.”

He didn’t even try to sound convincing.

I reached for one, and Greyson took my hand in his instead. “You don’t need to be a Jackal, Kennedy. You’re mine, and that’s enough.”

Carter’s gaze met mine. Then he tied the black fabric over his eyes, his fingers steady despite the tension in his arms. Sebastian's expression tightened, but he did it anyway. Jack winked at me, and I didn’t realize how tense I was until I felt myshoulders relax. Jack’s easy, carefree ways always made me feel a little more carefree too.

“Let’s go. We have a busy night ahead,” Greyson said, a sly smile curving his lips.

His hand on my lower back guided me toward the car. The guys cursed and followed, groping their way off the sidewalk and into the car, and I pulled away from Greyson, so I could take their hands and help them in.

I raised my eyebrows at Greyson, silently trying to encourage him not to be a dick. He raised his eyebrows back, as if he were rejecting the idea.

“Passenger seat, Kennedy,” Greyson ordered.

Since I’d said I would cheer him up and keep him well behaved, I slid into the smooth leather beside Greyson. The scent of his cologne was dark and intoxicating, and his gaze was heated as it fell on my short skirt, my bare thighs.

Greyson tore his gaze away with difficulty, and we pulled away from the curb. He drove with his usual speed and aggression, but it was always controlled. I felt safe sitting beside him as we sped through the dark city street.

Carter, Jack, and Sebastian were statues in the backseat, stiff with tension, the lines of their mouths and sharp jaws stoic under their blindfolds.

Greyson’s fingers brushed against my bare thigh, a hint of a promise before they found the hem of my dress. It was a deliberate tease, and I caught my lower lip between my teeth, stifling a gasp. I could tell Carter heard it, though, because he leaned forward, looking irritated.
