Page 31 of Our Pucking Way

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“I don’t know...I think he did a pretty good job of sharing. Don’t you think?” I teased. Carter rolled his eyes before leaningforward and brushing a kiss against my lips and nuzzling his nose against mine in a way that was very cute, especially for my rough-edged Carter.

“Tell me, sweetheart. Did the real thing live up to the memory?” he asked, cocking an eyebrow at me. I grinned, blushing at the reminder even though I was currently naked...with cum dried all over my chest.

“Most definitely,” I whispered.

He seemed to hesitate for a moment, and I stared at him tiredly. “What is it?”

“Did you have any other flashbacks?” he finally asked.

I shook my head, a pang of longing hitting me. Every flashback I did get was like a little tease, hinting at a life I was beginning to understand was a complicated mix of beauty and...a darkness I still didn’t understand.

“Can I ask you something?” I whispered.

“Anything,” he swore, his earlier grin faded.

“Did you all love me back?”

The question hovered in the air. I guess I had assumed it all this time. That because I had loved them, they had loved me. But that didn’t necessarily have to be true. I don’t know why it was this moment that my heart was choosing to be whiny and needy, but here we were.

“Yes,” he answered, his emerald eyes staring at me soulfully. “I’ve never loved anyone, like I loved you—like Iloveyou. I’m not capable of it. You took my heart all those years ago, and you’ve never given it back.”

I relaxed into the bed, my heart singing in my chest. I hadn’t realized how much I’d needed to hear that.

“I didn’t plan on declaring my undying love for you after a threeway,” Carter snarked, pressing into me, his dick hard and pressing against my stomach.

“Don’t get any ideas,” Greyson drawled, snuggling even closer. “Her pussy needs to rest after what I just did to it...even if you are as you say…‘declaring your undying love.’”

Carter scoffed and somehow a second later...Greyson was snoring again, his breaths tickling my neck with every exhale out of his mouth.

“I love you too,” I whispered. “And even though I don’t remember...I’m pretty positive...I loved you then too.”

As much as I struggled to keep my eyes open to get Carter’s reaction—I couldn’t. I fell into the deepest sleep I’d had in a long time, wrapped in the arms of two men that I loved...and that I was more confident each day...also loved me.


Ihated always being in Carter, Sebastian, and Jack’s penthouse. I wasn’t just a guest in their world. I was as much a part of Kennedy’s life as they were, and her home should be here with me. Which unfortunately meant letting them into my home—and my life—as well.

The car rolled up, its headlights slicing through the dusk. Behind the car, the gates closed again, and I glanced back at the roofline of my mansion, but I couldn’t see the sniper I had up there ready in case a different car rolled through the gates. I would never let any danger get near Kennedy again.

Though Kennedy seemed determined to go find the danger. Just the thought of how she insisted she needed to be in with us for any fight made me think Jack had all the right ideas when it came to spanking her ass.

I stepped forward and opened the car door for her, and her legs slid out of the backseat, long and gorgeous in her short skirt, before she rose to her feet with a sunny smile. She looked like a vision crafted from every desire I tried to keep in check.

I pulled Kennedy into my arms, and my lips found hers with urgency. Even in her kiss, I felt her strength, her intelligence,and that undying spark that set her apart from anyone else I’d ever known.

Behind her, Carter, Jack, and Sebastian climbed out of the vehicle, each one favoring some hurt they’d earned in the fight club. They didn’t whine about it, at least.

As we entered the mansion, Sunny stood by the entrance, his silhouette limned by the soft glow of the lights against the dusk. My right-hand man, and one of the few people I trusted—at all—since I gave up on my friendship with Carter, Jack and Sebastian. We’d risen up together, both found a home within the Jackals.

Sunny gave a curt nod, his gaze lingering protectively on Kennedy before returning to the perimeter surveillance.

“Everything’s secure, Greyson,” he assured me with that gravelly voice that sounded like it chewed up bullets for breakfast.

“Good,” I replied, clapping him briefly on the shoulder. That touch spoke volumes—the shared history, the unspoken understanding that if the world went to hell, we’d be back-to-back facing down the flames.

“Let’s get down to business,” I announced, leading the way into the living room. I had the sense that the guys were gaping behind me at the mansion and at the many armed guards—probably more the guards, given how rich they were—but I didn’t bother to look back.

I didn’t care much about the house, beyond a fantasy of fucking Kennedy on every surface. That would make it a home.
