Page 53 of Our Pucking Way

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When we walked into the penthouse, Kennedy could tell something had happened. She jolted off the couch and ran to us, and I wasn’t sure if it was the scent of gunpowder that clung to us or the looks on our faces.

“What did you do?” she demanded.

“We ended up having to go in,” Greyson said, lying to her without a second’s hesitation. We could’ve waited. “It became urgent.”

“Greyson—” she looked ready to tear him apart, and then her gaze flew to me, and suddenly she was ready to tear me apart too.

But Greyson gripped her shoulders, caressing them gently. There was a mischievous look in his gaze. “I know, baby. I’m sorry you weren’t there. But if it makes you feel any better, we were never in any real danger.”

“How so?” Carter asked dryly from the couch. Of course he’d want to get us in trouble, even though he’d had the pleasure of spending all night with Kennedy.

“Well, I feel very safe when I’m with Sebastian,” Greyson began.

“Shut up,” I told him.

But Greyson’s eyes twinkled. “He saved my life. Tackled me out of the way of danger…like he was my brother.”

“Shut up,” I said again, but then Kennedy was turning to me, her eyes lighting with warmth.

She folded into my embrace, tilting her head to kiss me, and I drew her against my body, savoring her kiss.

As if I were her hero.

And maybe I didn’t regret saving Greyson’s mangy life.


The car hummed along the familiar stretch of highway, the rhythmic thud of tires against asphalt lulling me into a trance-like state. I stared out the window, my gaze fixed on the passing landscape, but my mind a million miles away.

Memories pricked at my mind like small drops of rain right before a storm began, each one a sharp pang of nostalgia mixed with pain.

We were on our way to the home I’d lived at with my parents—before my father had died, and before Frank had been a plague in my life.

I didn’t know how I felt about that.

Greyson had learned everything he could about me in the years I was gone, searching everywhere he could just in case I was there. This house in North Carolina was apparently where I’d lived before the trailer park.

Now that my memories appeared to be unlocking, it seemed the obvious thing for me to try and visit as many places from my past as I could in an attempt to unlock even more.

I leaned my head against the cool glass, feeling a sense of unease as we drew closer.

Based on what I knew about my trailer park days...I wasn’t sure that I wanted to uncover more memories.

But maybe it had been better before.

Maybe without Frank, my mother had been a mom.

Maybe I’d had a dad who’d loved me.

They had all continued to be tight lipped about anything to do with my past, not explaining situations until I at least remembered some of it on my own.

We turned off the highway, and I struggled to pull anything up. Had I gone to that Taco Bell on the corner? Had it even been there back when I’d lived here?

That elementary school, with its flag beating in the wind...had I played on that playground, had I walked through those front doors, did I have any friends?

Nothing was coming to me.

“Anything?” Sebastian asked, his thumb rubbing my skin soothingly as he held onto my hand.
