Page 67 of Our Pucking Way

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“Why do you guys keep staring at me like that? You look like Greyson did the entire game,” Kennedy complained to me. I did my best to make my expression innocent.

I wasn’t sure how our girl was going to feel about pregnancy, but I did know that I was excited about it.

And terrified.

Since we still hadn't figured out who was after us.

Which was why I was going to go with Greyson tonight.

Because I suspected his “business” had something to do with tracking down the mole we’d decided was in his operation—in our operation I guess I should say.

I did have the tattoo now after all.

The death of Greyson’s three main suspects hadn’t stopped things from happening. Greyson had a weapons shipment disappear last week, and a threatening note had been on Carter’s car a few days ago.

“We’ll be back soon,” Greyson said soothingly, pressing a succinct kiss across her lips before he stepped away. I could tell it was hard for him to do that.

It was hard for all of us to be away from her for a second.

“Take care of her,” he growled at Carter and Sebastian. Carter rolled his eyes like he was going to punch him in the face. Sebastian straightened up, all signs of his tiredness fading away.

I smoothed Kennedy’s hair from her face and took a second to take in her gorgeous features.

How had I lived without her for even a second?

The younger me must have been a better man, because there was no way that I could ever give her up again.

No matter what.

“See you soon, pretty girl,” I murmured, knowing that I wouldn’t feel sane until I was back in her presence again.

“Come on, Romeo,” Greyson drawled, like he hadn’t been fawning over her a second ago. The idiot was just jealous of anyone spending time with Kennedy that wasn’t him.

I made sure to give her one more long kiss, just to piss him off.

But of course then I got carried away, because who wouldn’t when they were tasting perfection. A second later, Greyson yanked me off.

We both waved one more time and strode towards one of Greyson’s ridiculous sports cars.

“You really need to get a truck,” I told him as I slid into the sleek interior.

“You wouldn’t say that if you could afford this car,” he snarked. And I rolled my eyes.


Fucking unbelievable.

I glanced back to see that the others were already pulling out and I sighed. Feeling twitchy that she was gone.

“This shouldn’t take long,” Greyson mused, flipping on some indie playlist that had me rolling my eyes. Because, of course, he would think he was too cool for regular music. I went to change the song to...honestly anything else.

“I will throw you out of my car,” he said, side-eyeing me.

I rolled my eyes even more.

But I didn’t try to change the song again.

Because I knew he really would.
