Page 71 of Our Pucking Way

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We stood at the foot of her bed, watching her sleep, surrounded on either side by Carter and Sebastian. They were wrapped around her, just like I would have been if I’d been in their place. She looked like an angel, her delicate features illuminated by the silvery beams filtering through the window. Her chest rose and fell rhythmically with each breath, and just watching it gave me some peace, like a comforting blanket settling over my shoulders.

But I also felt the familiar pang of guilt gnawing at my conscience, the one that had haunted me all those years ago...when I decided to let her go.

I pushed it away.

“There’s no turning back,” Greyson murmured, as if he could read my thoughts.

I nodded but I didn't say anything in response.

Her hair spilled across her pillow in a cascade of dark waves. I ached just looking at her, my cock stirring as I took in her perfection. Sebastian sighed and cuddled into her further. She stirred slightly at his movement, a faint smile tugging at the corners of her lips.

I moved forward, gently dislodging Sebastian from Kennedy’s side. His eyes flew open and he snarled at me. He must have seen how close I was to the edge though, because he reluctantly slid to the edge of the bed, allowing me to make room for myself beside her.

Greyson had a little more difficulty getting Carter to move, and there was a quiet grunt as Greyson eventually kneed him in the stomach to push between him and Kennedy.

I glared at both of them for being so loud, but somehow she didn’t wake up.

Our hands instinctively found her stomach, cradling her and possibly our baby in a protective touch.

“Things go that bad?” Carter whispered, his gaze alert as he stared at us, and then our hands, his eyebrow going up at the move.

I grimaced and he nodded, disappointment flooding his features.

She stirred again, a soft sigh escaping her lips as she nuzzled into me. Greyson followed her, until he was pressed up to her back, as close as he could get.

Surrounded by her warmth, it was easier to relax, to pretend like everything was going to be okay.

But I still didn’t sleep.

Greyson and I stayed awake the whole night, watching over her together.

Keeping her safe.


With the three would-be leaders of the Jackal-splinter group off the board, my guys hadn’t loosened up like I’d thought they would...

Today though, I was watching TV in the living room with Jack, Carter, and Sebastian. My head was on Sebastian’s lap and Carter was massaging my feet.

This was the good life. What I wished we could have all the time.

Greyson was due home any minute, or so his text to me had said, and my gaze was flicking to the elevator doors every couple of minutes, hoping he would hurry up.

“Not enjoyingThe Office?” Sebastian murmured as he stroked my hair.

“Mmmh,” I said lazily, too relaxed to form words properly.

Carter ran his finger down the center of my foot and I shivered, kicking lightly at his rock-hard stomach. He grinned at me wickedly, and I bit my lip, trying to keep my lust tampered down.

With four hot men around me all the time, my vagina didn’t get a lot of breaks.

I wasn’t complaining.

But...I was also really comfortable at the sex could wait.

“Feel like” Carter asked casually...way too casually as he touched some erogenous spot on my foot that I was not aware that I had.

My breath stuttered, but I tried to play it cool. I lifted an eyebrow. “Why do I get the feeling that you mean something else when you say fun?”
