Page 78 of Our Pucking Way

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“Nope,” I whispered, locking my thighs together because he wasn’t allowed to get anywhere near there.

Carter was breathing softly underneath me, so he wasn’t going to be any help.

I turned towards Sebastian, who was also plastered to my other side. “Sebastian,” I hissed. “Wake up!”

Sebastian’s eyes slowly opened, fluttering a few times before they started to close again.


This time his gaze flew open all the way and he looked at me frantically, his gaze weirdly going to my stomach. “Shit! Is everything okay? Do you need to go to the hospital?”

I blinked. “Why would I need to go to the hospital?”

Jack groaned and shifted against me, but he still didn’t wake up.

“We need to let Greyson out. I think your point has been proven, and I can’t do those knots myself.”

Sebastian snuggled closer. “He’s okay.”

“Sebastian!” I whisper-yelled. “You need to let him out right now.”

Sebastian sighed, like I’d just assigned him the worst task possible.

He tweaked my nipple, and I hissed at him.

Because those were sore too.

He smacked a kiss against my lips and slid out of the bed, grabbing a pair of sweatpants and pulling them over his bare, delectable ass before he walked over to where Greyson was absolutely fuming.

Sebastian reached into his pocket, coming up with a pocketknife that I didn’t know he owned. “Don’t move, Greyson,” he said lightly. “I would hate for my knife to slip.”

I rolled my eyes, because these guys were impossible.

Sebastian squatted down and steadied the rope around Greyson’s left leg. He started sawing, but before he’d cut all the way through he paused and glanced up at Greyson’s face. “Do not kick me,” he snarled.

Greyson sniffed, nodding once, and then he resumed slicing through the rope. A few seconds later Greyson’s leg was free.

Sebastian did his other leg and then straightened up, eyeing him again. He glanced over where I was still lounging against Carter and Jack, completely exhausted from the sex fest. “Sure we can’t leave the socks in his mouth? I think it's a major improvement.”

Greyson made a choking sound, and Sebastian laughed as he stripped off the duct tape and pulled off the sock.

“You fucking—” he began before Sebastian held up the sock.

“Don’t make me put this back in.”

Greyson’s face went that angry, purple-red color again and he took a deep breath. “I lost feeling in my hands three hours ago. Get this rope off me.”

I giggled and Greyson’s glare sliced through me, gentling slightly as his gaze got caught on my breasts.

“Don't get any ideas,” I warned. “I’m closed for business.”

He scoffed like I’d said something offensive.

Sebastian carefully undid one of his wrists, and Greyson gasped as he flexed his fingers, shaking out his hand. “I could have lost a limb!” he snarled.

“Okay, whiny baby,” Sebastian commented calmly as he finished sawing through the last knot.

A second later Greyson’s fist connected with Sebastian’s jaw, sending him sprawling backwards.
