Page 87 of Our Pucking Way

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Sebastian held out his arms to me. “Kiss me for luck, princess.”

“As if you aren’t going to be staring at her and blowing kisses on the ice when you’re supposed to be blocking for me,” Carter grumbled.

“That happened one time!” Sebastian protested good humoredly.

When he turned to me, he pulled me into his strong arms, and I let myself sink into his powerful chest. His lips coaxed mine open with gentle insistence, and I kissed him back until Jack muttered, “Save some for the rest of us. We had to be on the ice three minutes ago.”

We broke apart with a soft sound.

“Knock ’em dead, tiger,” I murmured, my voice husky.

Sebastian’s answering grin was cocky, lit by his confidence on and off the ice. “As long as you cheer me on, princess.”

Jack’s piercing gaze locked onto mine with a glint of pre-game adrenaline and something more raw, more primal. As our lips met, the world around us faded to a dull hum. My fingers threaded through his ash blonde hair, pulling him closer.

“Score one for me,” I whispered against his lips, feeling his smile.

Carter grabbed my hips and spun me around to face him, claiming my lips impatiently. His touch was intense, his hand sliding to the nape of my neck to draw me impossibly closer.

“Play hard,” I said breathlessly when we finally parted, my fingertips lingering on his jaw.

“Now or later?” he asked me, his lips parting in a faint smile.

From the corner of my eye, I caught Greyson’s gaze on us. Amusement flickered across his features, a bemused quirk to his lips. He finally seemed to fit in with us, and to know this was where he belonged. I felt a surge of gratitude for his presence.

We watched the boys walk down the hall to the locker room. Jack looked back over his shoulder and gave me a wink.

“Let’s grab something to eat,” I suggested, reaching for his hand. He laced his fingers with mine.

“Lead the way,” Greyson replied, his voice smooth as aged whiskey.

“Thai or Italian?” I asked, my heels clicking against the slick linoleum flooring as we navigated through the stream of fans headed into the arena.

“If you want Italian, I can have you in Tuscany by morning.”

“You’re impossible,” I said, though I couldn’t hide my smile. “I want a quick dinner and then to go cheer on the rest of my boyfriends.”

“The rest of your boyfriends?” he sounded dissatisfied.

“What?” I asked, mildly exasperated. “You know they aren’t going anywhere.”

“Oh, I’m keenly aware,” he said dryly. “They’re even growing on me. They’re not as useless as they seemed at first glance.”

I felt a thrill of heat, thinking about some of the things Jack had whispered he planned to do to me tonight. “They’re not useless at all.”

“It’s thisboyfriendthing,” he said. “It’s such a ridiculous word.”

“I told you all, if you want to be my boyfriend, you have to do boyfriend stuff.”

“I don’t want to do boyfriend stuff. I want to do husband stuff.”

I stared at him, my lips parted, but Greyson just seemed amused by my response.

“Speaking of family,” he said casually, “aren’t you late for your period?”

I gawked at him. “How would you know that?”

“I pay attention to details,” he said. “You can’t exactly lead a criminal empire if you don’t pay attention.”
