Page 94 of Our Pucking Way

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My next efforts were to try and get the office cabinet doors open, but those might as well have been glued shut with concrete because they weren't budging at all.

I sat on the ground and tried to use my legs as leverage to push on the cabinet base while I pulled, but that didn't do anything but strain my abs.

Which made me nervous.

What if Iwaspregnant?

I didn’t have any knowledge about pregnancy besides Carrie’s twins, but Keith had been so protective of Carrie the entire time. He wouldn’t let her pick up anything, even if it only weighed five pounds. Carrie had griped about it every time we met up.

But what if that was what was necessary to keep the baby safe?

I immediately stopped straining, my shoulders drooping as I stared down at the floor. I hated feeling so helpless.

It felt like that had been my role my entire life, whether it was with my mother, or my stepdad, or with my memory loss...or keeping myself safe.

My hands cradled my flat stomach, wondering if there was a baby in there.

I didn’t want to be helpless in keeping my child safe.

I didn’t want to be helpless at all anymore.

I got up from the floor and sat down in one of the office chairs.

If someone didn’t come in soon, I was going to lose my flipping mind.

And I missed the guys so much.

I’m sure they were going crazy right now. Doing everything to find me.

But again, I wondered to myself...what if they were better off if they never did?

A memory hit, and I sucked in a breath as it filtered through me.

I navigated my way through the crowded halls, clutching my backpack tightly. The English classroom was on the second floor, and I made my way up a narrow flight of stairs. My heart raced with anticipation and nerves as I approached the door.

Just as I reached for the handle, a red-haired girl stormed past me without a word, her shoulder knocking me hard into the unforgiving metal lockers lining the hallway. Pain shot through my side as I stumbled and gritted my teeth to stifle a cry. I watched her continue down the hall, not bothering to glance back at me.

Confusion and embarrassment swirled in my chest as I heard more whispers.

I bent down to retrieve my fallen backpack, my vision blurred with unshed tears. My ribs were throbbing.

Just as my fingers brushed the worn straps of my backpack, someone else’s hand reached down and grabbed it. Startled, I looked up, my cheeks flushed with embarrassment and tears threatening to spill over. To my astonishment, it was him—Jack.

This day was just getting better and better.

Our eyes met, his golden hazel gaze locked onto mine, and for a moment, everything else faded away. His expression was one of concern, and he held onto my backpack, not handing it back when I reached out my hand for it.

“Are you okay?” he asked, his voice soft and filled with genuine concern.

I bit my lip, struggling to hold back the tears that had gathered. Swallowing hard, I nodded, unable to find my voice.

Jack was an absolute heartthrob, a living masterpiece really. His ash-blond hair was a tousled work of art, effortlessly framing his face with an irresistible allure. Each strand seemed to fall into place as if guided by the hands of a higher power, giving him an effortlessly rugged yet sophisticated appearance.

But it was his eyes that were leaving me tongue-tied. They were a captivating shade of molten gold, like liquid fire burning with intensity.

He was the embodiment of desire, a temptation that no one could resist, and the hottest thing I’d ever seen in a high school hallway.

“Come on, pretty girl,” he said, nodding his head to the classroom door.
