Page 98 of Our Pucking Way

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“Eat this,” she snapped, setting the tray down on the office cabinet. I stared at the soup and bread, my stomach continuing to churn with a mixture of hunger and apprehension.

“I’m good,” I said stiffly.

“I’m sorry. Did I say that in question form? I meant ‘Eat the damn food,’” she growled.

I hesitated. Sunny had basically said they had no plans to kill me...yet, right? And I needed to keep up my strength, especially if there was a baby in there.

“This is a stupid question, but I’ll just ask it anyway...since everything about this situation is, in fact, stupid. But is it safe?”

The woman laughed at me, the sound coming out more of a bark. “Eat the food, or I’ll stuff it down your throat. Any morestupidquestions?”

I frowned at her, and a second later her hand was whipping against my cheekbone with a loud smack. Pain exploded along the side of my face, a sharp, stinging sensation that left my head ringing.

I clutched my throbbing cheek as tears welled in my eye. My other hand went to my stomach, just in case she wasn’t done.

The woman stood there, her expression unchanged, as if she hadn’t just struck me.

“Eat,” she ordered.

Let’s see, get beaten by this crazy witch, or potentially get poisoned.

Decisions, decisions.

I immediately picked up the spoon and dipped it into the soup. Hesitating for one more second, I scooped some of it up.

It was salty and lukewarm...but not terrible.

She stood there watching me until I’d drained the whole bowl.

And then she made me eat the roll.

Which was not as good as the soup.

As I faded into unconsciousness, thanks to the drugs that had definitely been in the least I wasn’t being beaten to death.


The air in the war room was thick with tension. Maps and photographs littered the large table where Sebastian, Carter, Greyson, and I stood.

“Greyson!” The door burst open, slamming against the wall with an urgency that made us all turn.

“Felix,” Greyson greeted him, clearly naming him for our sake.

Felix’s glasses were askew above freckled cheeks as he rushed toward us with a tablet in hand. “I got something!”

My heart hammered at the possibility of news about Kennedy. Every second she was missing felt like a year off my life.

“Sunny’s location. His phone just came online out of nowhere,” Felix announced, tapping on the screen to zoom in on a map.

A red dot blinked back at us from an industrial part of town, an area riddled with abandoned factories and warehouses. The factories and our city had crumpled at the same time.

Sebastian’s brow furrowed as he leaned in, his instincts kicking in. “You think he took Kennedy?”

“Could be. Or maybe they took him too.” Greyson said.

“Either way,” I said, staring at the blinking dot, “this feels wrong. It’s too convenient.”

My gut twisted at the thought of Kennedy being alone and afraid, and I fought the impulse to rush to act. We had one shot.

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