Page 126 of Power Play Rivals

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That’s about all the action I’ve had lately—a sweet kiss to my cheek or temple. If I’m really lucky, I’ll get a quick peck on the lips, too, but that’s about it.

Safe to say, it’s starting to piss me off.

Especially how nonchalant he is about the whole thing.

He acts completely unbothered by being in the same room with me and not being able to tear my clothes off with his teeth like he would have just a week ago.

Lord knows I’ve thought of little else since he’s stopped touching me.

“Not a very welcoming hello,” he taunts with a mischievous glint in his dark eyes. “Are you sure you don’t want to try this again?”

“Not until you tell me how you managed to get into my apartment without my say so,” I reply, standing my ground.

“Very well. I asked your superintendent for his key and made a copy. Does that answer your question?”

“If my question was, ‘Am I dating a total psycho?’ then yes, it sure does.”

“So you admit that we’re dating now?” His eyes gleam with triumph. “Progress.”

I bite down on my inner cheek, hating that I let something so stupid like that slip.

It’s been a week since we made that idiotic bet on my birthday, and ever since then, Trent has been my constant shadow, always there in the background, ready to pounce and prove me wrong.

Like hell, I’ll let him win.

Besides, I haven’t minded too much having him sleep over. In fact, I kind of like falling asleep to the sound of his breathing, feeling his warm body pressed against mine. I’ve even enjoyed waking up, his gorgeous face being the first thing I wake up to.

But Trent usually calls first before he shows up at my house for a sleepover.

This is new.

And I don’t like it one bit.

“Now, let’s try that again. Welcome home, kitten,” he says before leaning in and placing a sweet kiss on my lips. Bereft of his lips for so long, my arms wrap themselves around his neck of their own accord. I let myself melt into him since kisses and hugs are the only things I’m entitled to. But like clockwork, the minute our kiss becomes desperate and needy, Trent pulls away, leaving me breathless and craving for more.

“Are you hungry?” he asks, walking over to the kitchenette as if he lived here all his life.

“Depends? Are you on the menu?” I retort, my gaze fixing on his toned back and ass.

Say what you want about Trent, but the man sure looks good in his suit pants.

He looks even better with them off.


I’m really starting to resent ever being baited into this damn challenge. If lady blue balls were a thing, I’m sure I’d have a huge case of them.

“I can be,” he replies sinfully. “All you have to do is admit you have feelings for me, and we can forget this little bet of ours and get down to business,” he replies, throwing a quick glance over to my bedroom.

“That’s not happening.”

“Then I guess food will have to suffice your appetite.” He smirks.

“I really don’t like you very much right now,” I grumble, infuriated by his stubbornness.

“Oh, you more than like me, Piper. You just can’t admit it yet. But that’s okay. I’ll wait. I’m nothing if not patient.”

“Whatever.” I roll my eyes at him and head towards my bedroom to take a long-ass, cold shower.
