Page 2 of Power Play Rivals

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Not when life is good.

This must be a mistake.

The hospital must have got it wrong.

This… can’t be fucking happening right now.

I keep playing that mantra in my head in a loop as the cars in front of me finally begin to move.

A part of me wants to drive like a mad woman to the hospital just to prove to myself that they’ve got it all wrong.That it isn’t him. That he’s fine. But another part of me, the one that fears the worst, whispers in my ear to turn my car around and escape the nightmare that awaits.

Because, at this very moment, I’m in limbo.

Between knowing and not knowing.

Between truth and hope.

I could either believe what I was told or pretend that he just suffered a few minor scrapes and bruises.

Maybe the wise thing for me to do is park this fucking car and just take a beat to calm down. Even if only to use that small reprieve to pretend that the worst thing that could have happened didn’t, in fact, happen.


He’s good.

He’s more than good.

He’s happy.

And why wouldn’t he be when he has the world at his feet?

My mind goes back to yesterday as we danced at Lottie and Nate’s wedding.

He was just so happy.

So goddamn happy that it warmed my cold heart to see how blissfully content he was. Love shined in his eyes, making me believe that anything could be possible.


He’s okay.

He has to be.

He can’t be…

A fresh batch of tears stream down my cheeks as the foreboding thought of him gone invades all my thoughts, destroying any lingering hopes.

The cars in front of me begin to speed up, and for a minute, I just sit there, not wanting to move. Honks behind me blare away while I just remain still, needing to stay in my own little bubble of denial a little longer.

But when the annoying sound of horns blaring gets louder than my own thoughts, it breaks through my solemn haze, urging me to snap out of it.

It’s not him.

He’s fine.

He has to be.

Because what kind of God would give a person everything they ever wanted, just to rip it away from them so cruelly?
