Page 47 of Power Play Rivals

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“Sorry, boss,” Toby replies, not one bit frazzled by my confession of having a sex dream with an A-list actor. “But in a way, we do have a life-or-death situation on our hands. I think Nate Wilder just committed social suicide on tape.”

“What are you talking about?” I ask, more alert.

“I just sent you the link to the video. Better you see it for yourself than have me explain it to you.”

The instant I hear the ping drop on my phone, I open it immediately. It takes me about ten seconds to see that my moronic, hot-tempered player decided it would be a good idea to release some steam by going to a bar and picking a fight with a guy half his size.

For fuck’s sake.

What was he thinking?

“This is bad, isn’t it?” Toby asks, still on the line.

“This is more than bad. This is so much more than bad,” I grumble in annoyance and frustration.

“So what do we do?”

“Damage control. And a whole heap of it. I hope you weren’t planning on getting any sleep tonight because, by the looks of it, we’ll be pulling an all-nighter just to make sure Wilder still has a job in the morning.”

“Whatever you need, boss,” Toby retorts with determination.

Not that I’m surprised.

He wants to be an agent more than anything, and he knows that cleaning up messes for our clients is half the job. If we pull this off and get Wilder in the clear, it will go a long way for his career in the company. And right now, his eagerness to prove himself is the added bonus I need to rely on to clean this mess up.

And fast.

“First, I need you to wake up the boys in our social media department and have them scrub the internet to see how many of these goddamned videos are out there. Also, we need to find out who the owner of the original video is and see if they can be persuaded to take it down. Though I doubt it will do us any good now,” I grumble, watching the views and shares of the post multiply with each second that passes by.

“Got it. What else?” Toby asks.

“For the foreseeable future, I need to know every move Wilder makes. I mean everything. If he so much as goes to the bathroom to take a leak, I want to know about it. Twenty-four-hour surveillance. If the press gets wind of this, then you best believe they’ll be doing the same. I wouldn’t be surprised if they’ve got vans parked in front of his house already, just waiting for him to give them a show in the morning when they tell him he’s become such an internet sensation overnight.”

“Poor fucker,” Toby mumbles under his breath. “His life will never be the same after this.”

“That’s why we get paid the big bucks, Toby. To make sure itdoesstay on course. This is just a little hiccup on his way to greatness. We’re not going to let this little mishap of his destroy what took years for him to accomplish.”

“Yeah, sorry,” he replies, embarrassed for his slip of the tongue.

In this job, we don’t have time to wallow in a fuck up.

This is what we call a make-or-break situation. And I never break.

“Get our best writers to prepare a statement, just in case this makes the front page of every sports newspaper and platform out there. We need to be ready for the worst while doing everything in our power to prevent it from happening,” I add sternly, pulling the covers off me and jumping out of bed.

“Got it. Anything else?”

“Just keep your phone close to you and await my call,” I reply assertively.

“What are you going to do?”

“What do you think?” I retort sarcastically. “I’m going to see if I can get in front of this mess with the bigwigs. If we know about this video, so will they. I need to get in there and plead his case before they do something foolish like fire Wilder for his behavior.”

“Shouldn’t we talk to Nate first?”

“Doyouwant to make that call?” I arch an eyebrow.

I can hear Toby reconsidering his question, wondering how it wouldn’t be the best idea to tell a man with major anger issues that he just fucked up big time. When the line remains silent, I roll my eyes.
