Page 8 of Power Play Rivals

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“Five?” I laugh, thankful he can’t hear how my heartbeat just spiked. “I knew you were arrogant, but I never assumed you were delusional, too.”

“You think I’m delusional?” He smirks, completely indifferent to the part where I called him arrogant.

“You must be. We couldn’t even get out of this party in five minutes, much less do anything else.”

“Who says we have to leave?” His black eyes gleam.



And all it took was that one cocky sparkle in his obsidian eyes.

“Again,” I say only after I’ve made sure to collect myself, “I’m intrigued. Just how do you think you’d be able to accomplish such a feat?”

“Only one way to find out,” he explains nonchalantly before breaking eye contact with me to take a sip of his amber liquid, giving me ample time to consider his indecent proposal.

See, this is when rational thought should come to my rescue and tell me to get as far away from this man as possible.

Unfortunately, Trent caught me on a night when I’ve got too much frustration, too much pent-up energy running through my veins and no outlet to expel it. He probably smelled it on me from across the room, like a predator sniffing out its prey.

Because, make no mistake, Trent Nichols is a predator—an astonishingly mouthwatering beast of a man.

You can see it in how he holds himself by the way he walks and talks.

How he has the capacity to enter any room and own it without saying a word.

A foreboding threat masked behind calculated elegance.

An ominous danger hidden under a flair of sophistication.

He’s poison.

Lethal in his allure.

But it just so happens that I’ve always liked a bit of danger in my life. Makes it a whole lot more interesting.

In my professional life, I make sure never to take any misguided or uncalculated risks.

In my personal life, though, I’m a bit more… reckless.

And seeing how boring it’s been lately, with all these annoying, uneventful summer events that I’ve had to attend for the sake of my profession, I’m actually due some adventurous fun.

Unlike my best friend, Lottie, my job can only give me so much satisfaction.

Yes, I’m as much of a workaholic as she is, but a girl needs to kick off her heels and have some fun once in a while. Lottie is perfectly content in living, day in and day out, being utterly selfless, eager to give a wisp of happiness to everyone around her instead of seeking it for herself.

I’m a little more selfish than that.

The only people I’d sacrifice even an ounce of my happiness for, are my mom and Lottie.

Everyone else can take a back seat to me.

So Trent offering to take care of my needs, just so he can prove that he can, does, in fact, interest me.

Even if I know it shouldn’t.

“You’re that sure of yourself?” I ask in the most blasé tone I can conjure up, but when I see a small lift to the corner of his mouth, I know I’ve shown him my hand by needing to hear him confirm his claim one more time.
